Smart partnerships go a long way in event management. From media exposure, to injecting much-needed funds into your budget, a great lineup of event sponsors can make planning easier, improve ticket sales, and add value for attendees.

That’s why businesses and brands are inundated with sponsorship requests. Events looking for sponsors need to be well researched and prepared in order to stand out from the pack. Download our free sponsorship pitch template here and read on to discover our 10 tips for crafting the perfect pitch. 

Tips for Winning Event Sponsorship #1: Do your homework

Businesses receive proposals all the time, so think about the first impression that you’re making and why you are targeting them. If the first thing they receive is an impersonal blanket pitch to a ‘John Doe’, it will show. Avoid copying and pasting generic emails by taking some time to research your sponsorship targets first. Learn who to speak to where possible, and consider why it’s in the best interest of this particular business to be involved in your event.

Tips for Winning Event Sponsorship #2: Share details about attendees

Learning as much about your attendees as possible will not only make you a better event planner, but it will also boost your attractiveness to potential sponsors. Communicate valuable information such as demographic data, anticipated attendee numbers, and the relevant interests of your audience. If you’ve used a ticketing platform such as Eventbrite, go back through your reporting to find key insights and data to help pitch your next event.

Tips for Winning Event Sponsorship #3: Keep it short and concise

There’s a reason why ‘inbox zero’ has become something that people brag about. It’s because it feels almost impossible to achieve with the number of emails we receive on a daily basis. When crafting your introduction and pitch, try to keep it short and to the point. Get them on the hook by being upfront with why you’re contacting them; don’t drown them in every detail. The goal is to start a dialogue, not deliver a one-way presentation.

Tips for Winning Event Sponsorship #4: Make it relevant

If you have sponsorship tiers, create targeted decks that speak to each level and their benefits. Determine which level you’re asking for and only send your prospect that version. Taking a targeted approach is more effective than giving too many options. Alternatively, be open to an ‘a la carte’ approach and tailor a package that will suit your sponsors. 

Tips for Winning Event Sponsorship #5: Choose the right format

You might create your deck in Powerpoint or Google Slides, but when sending it on to a sponsor, print it as a PDF first to reduce the file size and  ensure that embedded fonts and branding stay in tact. Remember that everyone’s computers and versions of software are different and that sending a huge Keynote zip file might ensure that your proposal gets sent to the trash before it’s even viewed. You could also use an online deck creator like Sponseasy.

Tips for Winning Event Sponsorship #6: Make it impressive

A slick sponsorship deck makes you and your event look more professional. Not everyone has access to a graphic designer, so we’ve found easier ways to create a beautiful looking pitch deck. You can download our free template sample here and use sites like Unsplash or Canva to find or create beautiful images and design elements that suit your branding. Alternatively, look at digital sponsorship proposal tools that generate trackable online decks, such as Sponseasy or Qwilr.

Tips for Winning Event Sponsorship #7: Keep track of leads

Wouldn’t it be great to know who has actually read your deck before calling sponsors to follow up? There’s a lot of guesswork and waiting when it comes to sending out proposals. If you’re sending a deck out via email, you’ll need to use a tool that tracks email and attachment opens. There are many of these products available online such as Attach, mxHero and BananaTag.  

Tips for Winning Event Sponsorship #8: Invest in good photography

Make sure you budget for a good photographer for at least one of your events (if not all!) to ensure you have high quality photos to appeal to future sponsors.

Tips for Winning Event Sponsorship #9: Think about long-term value

Developing an effective partnership will do more for your event than turning a quick profit. If you can identify extra opportunities to create long-term value for the business, let them know.

Tips for Winning Event Sponsorship #10: Be humble

End your proposal or reach out email with a thank you, but try to avoid phrases like “thanks in advance” or overly pushy closing statements. Include your contact information and how you will follow up.

Download the pitch deck template

Get started on your next event sponsorship proposal deck with this free template.