Young Story Seekers at Wynyard Library

Young Story Seekers at Wynyard Library

Young Story Seekers is an interactive book club where young minds can discover the library collection through fun activities!

By Wynyard Library


Wynyard Library

13 Exhibition Link Wynyard, TAS 7325 Australia

About this event

  • 1 hour

Embark on a fantastic journey of library exploration with exciting activities, lively discussions, and brain-teasing puzzles! This club is the perfect place for young readers, 8 - 14, with a thirst for stories, a love of the written word and an interest in the weird and wonderful things that can be found in the library.

Kids will dive into the library's treasure trove in the most enjoyable way imaginable. Imagine sleuthing out the ship your mischievous ancestors sailed in, creating your own "shelf talkers" to inspire fellow young readers and even mastering the art of the Dewey Decimal System while forming fantastic friendships along the way. 📚🔍🚀

For more information contact Wynyard Librar(03) 6477 7415 or email

# LibrariesTasmania #WynyardLibrary #Kids #Youth

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