VIC STORM (2-day training 9.00am-4.30pm) – ONLINE

VIC STORM (2-day training 9.00am-4.30pm) – ONLINE

STORM® is a skills-based model of suicide risk management and postvention training offered to relevant Victorian DET school staff.

By headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation

Select date and time



About this event

  • 1 day

STORM® (Skills-based Training on Suicide Risk Management), for Victorian Department of Education and Training staff only. Especially for staff who tasked to completing suicide risk assessments and safety plans, this two day training is offered via online and onsite delivery modes, please ensure you check the delivery modes before registering.

This training session is ONLINE.

When registering, you are expected to be available and present for both full days of the training as if attending an onsite training. This training is interactive, with group discussions, individual and group activities, and a requirement for attendees to participate in a filmed skills practice, please ensure you are present and uninterrupted during the training to participate fully.

Please note, for ethical and clinical considerations, you are required to attend both days in full for this training. No part time attendance is offered.

STORM® participants will;

• Develop skills and confidence in order to help children, adolescents and young adults who self-harm

• Develop an understanding of self-harm

• Promote a positive and enabling approach through conversation

• Develop and extend on skills related to; Assessment of risk and vulnerability, short term safety planning and postvention conversations

• Develop an understanding of strategic postvention planning

The STORM® program includes training modules on:

• Suicide risk assessment

• Short term suicide safety planning

• Postvention (caring for the bereaved)

The content of the program is based upon current knowledge about supporting and assisting young people (12-24 year old's) with suicidal thoughts (suicide risk assessment and safety planning) and postvention and is underpinned by adult education theories. Several studies have indicated the package is effective in improving skills, confidence and attitudes for suicide prevention.

To learn more about STORM® visit:

Who can attend this training?

This training is only for staff within the Victorian Government Department of Education and Training (DET) who have the responsibility and who are conducting risk assessments and safety plans with students displaying suicide ideation.

Priority places are for those in the roles:

• Mental Health Practitioners (MHPs)

• Student Support Services (SSS)

• Secondary School Nurses (SSN)

• Wellbeing staff (prerequisite – completion of Suicide Risk Continuum Training required )

Please note this training is focusing on increasing existing knowledge and understanding of conversations about risk in prevention and postvention settings, please ensure pre-existing Victorian Government Department of Education and Training (DET) policies and procedures when using skills from this training.

If you have been recently impacted by suicide or grief and loss headspace recommend you consider delaying STORM training.

On the day:

For participants to fully engage in this training, each participant will need to log on with their own working microphone and camera. Please ensure you test your equipment before the training. Those who do not have a working camera or microphone will not be able to participate in the training.

Please log on 15 minutes prior to the training for technical support, training will commence at advertised start time.

Please ensure you arrive before the start time as the room will be locked 5 minutes after advertised start time.

Due to the nature of this training, participants need to ensure the space is private so as not to be overheard by others as conversations about self harm, suicide and grief and loss will occur.

Participation in skills practice is a requirement of the training and an expectation of potentially engaging in filmed skills practice. If unable to participate fully in the skills practice, participants will be asked to leave the training.

Regular breaks will be provided throughout training, including a longer lunch break. Feel free to bring in coffee, tea, drink and/or snacks to the training.

Prior to the day:

We will send you a training reminder, information on how to access the training and resources for the training closer to the date. Please ensure you access and print these prior to the training.

For further information about using STORM please see;

Need to cancel? Please email as soon as possible, please provide your full name, school, and date of training.

Education and Training Consultants

We look forward to seeing you there.


headspace Schools & Communities

Frequently asked questions

I work for a Catholic or Independent school, can attend STORM?

No. The funding for the training is for only Victorian Department of Education staff.

I work in a TAFE with high school students, can I attend?

No. The funding for the training is for only Victorian Department of Education staff.

I’m a classroom teacher, can I attend STORM training?

No, STORM is only for those staff who hold the responsibility of undertaking suicide risk and safety planning conversations with students.

How much does it cost for you to deliver training at my school?

Free. The training is fully funded by the Victorian Department of Education. There may be costs to cover CRT or other staffing costs.

Is their STORM training available to other states or sectors?

No, currently STORM is only available to Victorian Department of Education staff.

Who can I contact about introducing STORM to my educational setting (if outside Victorian DET)?

Headspace is open to discussing options for STORM delivery in other educational sectors in all states across Australia. For further information and discussion please contact

I’m a university student studying psychology/social work etc on placement in a school, can I attend?

Yes, you can attend STORM if part of your role is the complete risk assessment & safety plans with students with the support of your supervisor with written confirmation to If you are studying teaching, this training is not suitable and we recommend SAFEMinds.

I’m in a wellbeing role, do I need to do anything else before attending STORM?

Those outside of these roles – MHP/SSN/SSS in Wellbeing roles who have the responsibility to undertake risk assessments and safety plans there is a prerequisite to complete Suicide Risk Continuum Training prior to STORM.

Why do I need to provide my personal contact details?

For emotional safety contact details must be provided. All information is deleted after training concludes. See the Privacy statement for more information.

What tech to I need to attend online?

We deliver through ZOOM and you require a stable internet connection, working camera, microphone and headphones.

What if I have tech issues on the day?

Check your equipment prior to training and consult your IT department if you have technical difficulties. Your facilitator only can provide limited troubleshooting advice.

Do I have to stay for the full two days? I have to leave early/join late/ attend a meeting.

Yes. It is a condition of the training that you attend full time. Please choose a session time you can fully commit to. If you leave early, join late, or leave the training to attend to other matters, you will not be able to continue and will need to complete the full course at another time.

Can I do day 1 one week and then day 2 another time?

No. You must complete both days consecutively. This is a requirement of our licencing agreement and the clinical safety of participants.

I am nervous/uncomfortable about the role plays and the filmed component. Can I opt out of this?

The roleplay and filmed component are a compulsory part of the training. Practicing conversation skills and seeing the styles of other practitioners is a key aspect of STORM. There are structures in place to make this a supportive learning experience and as comfortable as possible.

I have been impacted by grief, loss or suicide. Is this training right for me?

We recommend waiting six months after impact as the content could be emotionally evocative, and you may not process the learning as effectively as you would like. After six months, consider if it is the right time for training.

Is this training run by my local headspace Centre?

No, this training is run by headspace Schools & Communities, which is a national initiative. Each headspace Centre is managed independently by a local agency with a local focus.

How is this training different from Be You?

The BeYou initiative complements our training and can provide additional resources and consultation to your school around a whole school approach to wellbeing and supports schools to prepare, respond and recover from death by suicide.

What is the difference between STORM (delivered by headspace) and ASIST (delivered by Living Works)?

Both are a 2-day gatekeeper training workshops. STORM is focused on suicide risk assessment, short term safety planning and postvention conversations with young people available for DET staff, whereas ASIST focuses on general population and is available to community members.

What support is offered on the day?

The headspace facilitator is tasked with keeping the group safe during training. Emotional safety is discussed involving check in’s, confidentiality and supports. Registration involves providing emergency contact can be contacted should participants need more support.

Is training endorsed by Department of Education and Training?

Yes, this training and the others from this initiative are thanks to a contract between the Victorian DET and headspace.

I work in a primary school with students presenting with suicidal ideation, what should I do?

We recommend you contact your local CAMHS/CYMHS/ELMHS or hospital triage to receive a secondary consult to support your student.

I'm looking for more information about self harm, where can I go?

If you are looking for more information about self harming behaviours, we suggest completing SAFEMinds online via the website, and/or attending a SAFEMinds In Practice

I am a parent is there an alternative training you can recommend?

There are many resources available for parents including – Youth mental health first aid, ASSIST and SAFETalk. Speak with your children’s school to find something relevant in your area. The headspace SAFEMinds program also has a parent and carer page with resources.

Organised by

Enhancing Mental Health Support in Schools

Enhancing Mental Health Support in Schools is fully funded by the Department of Education and Training (DET) and delivered by headspace Schools & Communities. The professional learning offered include SAFEMinds: In Practice, Suicide Risk Continuum Training (SRCT) and STORM® and aims to support staff in DET school settings to increase confidence and knowledge to support colleagues, parents and young people, through onsite and online delivery across Victoria.