Men doing Men's Behaviour Change Group Cofacilitation Work

Men doing Men's Behaviour Change Group Cofacilitation Work

Reflective Practice Group Discussions On Male Entitlement and Sexism Between Co-Facilitators of Men's Behaviour Change Programs

By Northside Counselling Solutions



About this event

  • 1 hour

These reflective discussions are held on the 4th Thursday of each month in 2024.

Zoom meeting link will be sent via email after registration and one day before the event. Please allow for your zoom audio and visual functions to be working during the session.

There are many reasons why practitioners seek out work in Men's Behaviour Change Programs. Mostly because we all want male violence against women and children to end. However each year nearly 2 women per week acorss Australia are murdered by a current or former male partner. These figures are not changing from year to year, and the brutal reality is that men will murder women at the same rate in 2024. This is a highly gendered issue and the need for practitioners to address gender injustices in our family violence responses to male perpetrators has never been more necessary.

For us to invite other men to examine and explore themes such as male privilege, male entitled belief systems, male sexism and misogyny- themes at the heart of men's abuse, murder and oppression of women- we must first examine them in ourselves and openly discuss how our own entitlements over women's bodies, choices and rights get enacted in our relationships with female colleagues in our family violence work.

By discussing male privilege and entitlement, practitioners can challenge and address ways they may be reinforcing harmful gender and power-based messages in our services and daily practices. These conversations can be complex and require ongoing supportive spaces like these for men to discuss gender in a way that is purposeful, mobilising and informed by feminist and anti-oppressive ideas. Practitioners from all aspects of family violence work are invited to attend and participate with purpose.

This is NOT a men's only space. This is not group therapy and people of all genders are encouraged to come along.

Zoom meeting link will be sent via email after registration and one day before the event. Please allow for your zoom audio and visual functions to be working during the session.

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