▶︎ Get Ready To Use AI for Videos and Marketing - It's A Whole New World!

▶︎ Get Ready To Use AI for Videos and Marketing - It's A Whole New World!

▶︎ Hi there! I'm Teena Hughes. If you're struggling to create videos, I'd love to show you how AI can help make it easier to get started.

Select date and time

Fri, 27 Sep 2024 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM PDT



About this event

Let's make sure you can make it - my Timezone is Brisbane, Australia 1:00pm every second Saturday.

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Question: What IS "AI"?

Artificial Intelligence has been behind many of the apps we've been using for a very long time, and now it's finally been brought to our attention. Many folks are afraid of what they've read, heard or seen about AI, and I'd like to clarify a few things to help make it understandable.

Let's look at ways it can be used to help with video planning, creating and marketing. Ready? Fantastic! I look forward to seeing you soon :-)

Question: What IS video marketing?

Answer: Video Marketing is the way in which business owners, artists and entrepreneurs of all kind can find potential customers online.

Are you new to video making or marketing for your business?

Are you nervous about getting started, or unsure how to proceed?

I'd love to answer your questions in an upcoming Zoom Chat.

Hi! My name is Teena Hughes and I help people make videos and use them to boost their business.

Join me and other like-minded folks to chat with and learn while having a coffee or tea, in a stress-free environment from the comfort of your own home.

I host this free Meeting online using Zoom

  • Once you sign up, I will send you the Zoom Meeting details
  • Login on the date and time
  • Make sure your video is turned ON and your audio is also ON, as this is required for the Zoom Chat.

I look forward to seeing you and chatting with you soon about your ideas for videos, your marketing, and to answer your questions.

Cheerio for now!

Teena Hughes


Come along and join us online!

We have people from around the world popping in to chat about their video journeys - we'd love to meet you too!

See you soon!



Organised by

Hello there!

I've been helping people grow their business and ideas online for around twenty years.

Now that we all have a video recording studio in our pockets, I help people to create videos to use for their marketing, and to find potential customers and clients (leads).

Using video marketing is one of the fastest ways to get found online - no matter what your specialty, skill, knowledge or expertise is.

From accountants to acrobats, doctors to storytellers, businesses of all sizes can benefit from using videos to help people get to know, like and trust them.

If you're not sure which step to take next, let's have a chat online and work out what's best for you.

See you soon,


Teena Hughes

Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfqaTu1fIWHgw4DINqCD_Hg


Phone in Australia: 0408-801-808