Business Networking in Williamstown - growing businesses for over 10 years!
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Business Networking in Williamstown - growing businesses for over 10 years!

Join over 50 business owners for a fun breakfast to connect & build relationships to grow your business - in person or online. Book now!

By Seddon Digital

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Customs House Hotel Williamstown VIC

161 Nelson Place Williamstown, VIC 3016 Australia

About this event

  • 1 hour 30 minutes

Are you interested in broadening your network, connecting with like-minded business professionals and want to grow your business. You can attend either in person or online. We are set up to make it a great experience however you attend.

Come join us for a business networking session where you'll meet and interact with like-minded capable professionals with one common goal: To build strong business relationships and help grow each other’s business through referrals.

Click here to learn more and register as an attendee to visit a group that's been meeting every week for over 10 years! You can attend in person or online.

We run weekly business networking meetings in-person at Customs House Hotel, 161 Nelson Place. Williamstown Vic 3016 from 7am to 8.30am each Friday.

Our networking meetups are a perfect way to finish the week by working on your business and getting to know like-minded people and business owners!

Enjoy mingling and a delicious breakfast while you can have fun networking with other business professionals and learn from our keynote speakers about how to elevate your business through referrals.

Secure your place at our next networking meetup using the following link

Once registered, you will be emailed details about the meetup once you are registered to the meetup. There is a $30 fee for a delicious breakfast and barista coffee.

Business Networking International 'BNI Elevate Business By The Sea' is a committed and motivated group of business owners and professionals who meet weekly to refer business to one another. And we'd love to refer business to you too!

Come along to network with business owners and professionals who want to get to know you and help your business thrive. Learn how we do it from our weekly speakers. If you want extra business through a system that actually works, come along and find out why Business Networking International is the most successful networking association in the world.

Frequently asked questions

How much does it cost?

There is a $30 fee to cover the delicious breakfast (from a set menu) and a barista-made coffee. If you attend online, it's free - all the details will be in the registration emails.

Will I get bombarded with people selling me stuff?

Absolutely not! We want to learn about you and your business so that we help grow your business. We'll follow up to see how you enjoyed the meeting.

Do I have to come in person?

While we believe that face to face is better for networking, you can also attend anytime online. We take just as much care of our virtual visitors as our in-person ones. And we have people attend from all over the country - and the world!

7am is too early for me

We get our business done before the workday even starts! It's such a positive way to start the day. And it feels great to make so many business connections before others are even out of bed.

How many people will be there?

We usually have over 60 people attending. Many are business owners from many different professions. So there is lots of opportunity to meet people.

I'm an introvert. I'm worried I'll find it overwhelming.

We hear you! We have quite a few introverts and neurodivergent people in the room. While it can be a bit noisy in the room, we are mindful of that. If you let us know in advance, we'll have someone reach out and make sure you have someone familiar to meet on the day.

I'm not in Williamstown. Does that matter?

Absolutely not! We have people from as far away as Geelong and the Yarra Valley come every week in person. There are few geographic barriers to business these days. So if you think your business could benefit, even if it's not in Melbourne, please come along.

Why should I choose your networking meeting over others?

We are measurably one of the best business networking groups in Australia. We've got the awards to prove it! And we've been around for over 10 years. We keep data on how much business we share via referral each year. It's millions of dollars, and we can prove it.

Will it be a good experience if I attend online?

Yes, we have our room and audiovisuals set up so that we can fully integrate our in person and streaming experience. As well as the meeting leader in the room, we have an online meeting leader also. So you can be confident of being able to meet people and participate.

Do I have to join?

No. We encourage you to come and enjoy the meeting and meet some like-minded people. That's what the majority of people do. After visiting a few times, membership might work for some people. But most people just come along for a meeting or two, and make some new connections.

Do I need to be in business to attend?

Absolutely not. We have people from many walks of life attend - business owners, team members, local community members, people who have events coming up. Our aim is for you to meet some people who you can have a great conversation with and who can help you move towards what you want to achieve.

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