Western Arthur Range Traverse walker registration

Western Arthur Range Traverse walker registration

Thank you for registering your intention to walk the Western Arthur Range Traverse

Select date and time

Starts on Sat, 21 Sep 2024 12:00 AM AEST


Western Arthur Range Traverse

Western Arthur Range Traverse Southwest, TAS 7139 Australia

About this event

This registration is for the Western Arthur Range Traverse (58 km loop).


Registrations are open up to 12 months in advance and are free. Maximum departures are 12 people daily with recommended group sizes of 6. You only need to register for your day of departure.

If your plans change and you are no longer going, please cancel your registration. This allows others to register for this walk. You will find instructions on how to cancel your registration in your confirmation email.

Important Safety Information

The Western Arthur Range Traverse contains 21 rugged peaks over 1000 metres in elevation. Walking the WART is an impressive achievement for those experienced in remote wilderness bush walking. This walk should only be attempted by those who are confident in navigating serious heights, steep cliffs, rock scrambling and extreme weather.

The Western Arthur Range Traverse is a highly advanced multi-day Grade 5 - wilderness track and is considered to be one of the most challenging multi-day walks in Australia. Phones are not to be relied upon on this track. Navigation skills using map and compass are required as the track is not clearly marked in many places.

Only VERY experienced walkers should attempt this track.

Weather can deteriorate rapidly in remote National Parks and failure to make good decisions on this walking track may lead to serious injury or even death. Creeks may rise rapidly after rainfall, particularly in the Arthur Plains area. Only cross when safe to do so and be prepared to wait for water levels to subside.

Ensure that you understand the weather forecast for the duration of your walk, (Strathgordon is the suggested town to check the forecast for the WART) and observe sunrise and sunset times.

Individuals are responsible for their own safety. You must ensure that you are experienced in remote bush walking, have a high level of fitness and are capable of undertaking such a walk. You need to be self-sufficient and ensure that you are carrying the clothing and equipment needed to protect you from exposure to cold, wet, wind and heat and that you are carrying enough food. For information about what to take go to -What to Pack.

Please read our Safety in Parks information and check for Alerts in the area before you go. In Tasmania, Search and Rescue operations are managed by Tasmania Police – phone 000. Noting that cellular service may not be available in these areas.


There are no hut facilities anywhere along the Western Arthur Range Traverse. All walkers must carry quality tents (3-4 season rating with inner and outer layer) with enough capacity to sleep all members of your group. Other than for solo walkers, single person tents are discouraged due to limited campsite capacity.

Distances between campsites appear short, however travel times are greatly increased due to the terrain. Allow plenty of time to reach your campsite by dark.

Leave No Trace

Please respect the natural and cultural values that make this Track part of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area: Leave No Trace | Parks & Wildlife Service Tasmania.

Toilets: Please minimise your impact on the sensitive environment and water quality by always using the toilets where they are provided. At sites where toilets are not available, follow the Leave No Trace Principle of burying faecal waste 15 - 20 cm in the ground at least 100m from water, camps or tracks. You will need to carry a small trowel for this purpose.

Parks Pass

A valid national parks pass is required. This can be purchased in advance online: Welcome to Parks Passes.

Organised by

Walker registration - protection of sensitive remote bush walking tracks.

PWS has introduced free walker registration for several sensitive remote bush walking tracks.

By registering you are helping to preserve the sensitive environment on these tracks by limiting the number of walkers to the available campsites. Many sites do not have capacity to accommodate additional walkers who are camping due to the terrain and remote location.

The PWS thank you for registering your walk.