UQ Wellness Financial Wellbeing Series- Female Focus on Finance

UQ Wellness Financial Wellbeing Series- Female Focus on Finance

Female Focus on Finance

By UQ Wellness

Date and time

Tue, 7 Mar 2023 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM PST



About this event

On this International Women's Day, we’ll look at finances for women, but the information is really suitable for anyone who wants to improve their financial future. Research shows that women face unique challenges when it comes to money and saving for retirement. It’s a complex issue, impacted by the number of women in part-time work, and taking time out of the workforce to care for children and family.

This webinar is suitable for women of all ages who’d like to develop a better understanding of financial matters and managing their retirement savings.

Presented by Kate Potter, from UniSuper, this session will cover:

  • How to build a financial foundation
  • Understanding your super
  • Insurance considerations
  • Planning retirement

Zoom link: https://uqz.zoom.us/j/88200693627 (please register first)

Organised by

UQ Wellness

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