TOT Monthly Celebration

TOT Monthly Celebration

We would love to see you at our monthly TOT Catch-up. It is a social meeting that enables everyone to connect face to face. Celebrate US

By Moana Robinson and Karen Clark


Cafe Catalina

11 Gold Coast Highway #10 Southport, QLD 4215 Australia

About this event

The 1st Tuesday of each month is our face to face social catch up for brunch/morning tea. Please contact Karen or Moana if you have any questions at all. We require RSVPs for the booking numbers by 9am Monday (day before). The only cost is your own tea/coffee/food. This is a great opportunity to share, connect and gain support for your business.

Frequently asked questions

Are bookings essential?

Yes because we confirm with the cafe holding the event and we like to ensure there is a seat for everyone.

Can I become a member of T.O.T.?

Yes you can once you have been to an online or in person event.

Can I invite a friend to come along?

Yes we would love you to - Please ensure that they book separately with THEIR details

Organised by

Moana Robinson of B Styled for Life is a Personal Stylist, Life Coach and Mentor who supports her clients to "Look, Feel and Be their Best" - Personal Style is more than outside image.  it is knowing more about yourself and understanding yourself better.  In turn this helps you to understand others, gives you more choice and enjoyment in your life.  Moana quallified as a Colour & Image Consultant with the Academy of Professional Image and with Master Diplomas in Coaching, Hypnotherapy and NLP from the Life Coaching College.  

Karen Clark of Clarkashians & Co. is a Performance Coach to entrepreneurs who work in innovation and want to make an impact on society in some way.  Karen is a certified Life Mastery Consultant with the Life Mastery Institute, the Premiere Training Centre for Transformational Coaching.  Karen teaches the tools and strategies for dealing with the unforeseen challenges that come up in business, how to increase your success with little extra effort, and insight into strategies that top performing individuals use to create expotential results.

Moana and Karen have joined forces to create a "gathering" to provide a hybrid network/mastermind event.  Their aim is to have a space where people feel relaxed AND  invigorated.  Tuesdays on Target (originally "Tuesdays on Tedder") meetings are held from 9.30am until 10.30am online for three Tuesdays a month. The first Tuesday of each month is held face to face at various venues. The online events are about goal setting and addressing any challenges. The face to face meeting on the first Tuesday of the month starts at 9.30am and attendees can order tea/coffee and brunch. This event is more social. Each attendee is invited to join the Tuesdays on Target private group after their first meeting. The Tuesdays on Target group is a positive and supportive environment. There are regular workshops which have a minimal cost. The online events are free and the face to face meetings are usually held at a restaurant or cafe.Comments from the Tuesdays on Tedder  launch

"Thank you for having me there this morning - very interesting and helpful"

"Fantastic morning!"  

"I cant tell you how much I needed this, I loved it thank you so much"

"Great connections were made, thank you, I really, really enjoyed this"

"What a great space" "Love the energy" "I am coming again" "Love that it is so casual"

"A great group of people - so varied and different with so many similarities"