The future of democracy in the Pacific and Southeast Asia

The future of democracy in the Pacific and Southeast Asia

USSC panel and report launch of "Aligning values and interests: Japanese and Australian democracy support in the Pacific and Southeast Asia"

By United States Studies Centre

Date and time

Wed, 22 May 2024 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM AEST


The Michael Spence Building (F23)

City Road Camperdown, NSW 2006 Australia

About this event

The United States Studies Centre (USSC) at the University of Sydney invites you to the launch event of a new USSC major report – Aligning values and interests: Japanese and Australian democracy support in the Pacific and Southeast Asia.

No issues have aligned Japan and Australia more than the multi-faceted challenges China poses, particularly in the Pacific and Southeast Asia. Yet as Japan and Australia have drawn closer than ever in areas of security, trade and regional aid, there remains far more work to be done in response to China’s erosion of democratic norms.

How can Australia and Japan — two of the largest regional development partners — better support democracy in the region? How can they align their strategic priorities with the needs of a complex and emerging region? What role should the United States have in their efforts?

To answer these questions, join USSC CEO Dr Michael Green for a discussion with report editor USSC Non-Resident Senior Fellow Dr Lavina Lee and report author Dr John Lee, Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute.

Level 5 Function Room, The Michael Spence Building (F23) at the Corner of Eastern Avenue and City Road, The University of Sydney

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