Step into Your Power: 3 Week Journey

Step into Your Power: 3 Week Journey

Get ready unlock your true potential and tap into your best life these next 3 weeks - it's time to step into your power!

By Dayan Eymard

Date and time

Wed, 5 Jun 2024 10:00 AM - Wed, 19 Jun 2024 12:00 PM AWST



Waikiki Waikiki, WA 6169 Australia

Refund Policy

Contact the organiser to request a refund.
Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.


10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

3 Week Journey Agenda

This event is part of a 3 week series, meeting on Wednesdays from 10:00am to 12:00pm, every Wednesday until June 19th, 2024.

About this event

Step into Your Power: 3 Week Journey

How would you feel if you could get super clear on what it is you truly want deep in your heart and could dissolve the emotions, thoughts and feelings that are keeping you from having what you truly desire?

What if you could learn a technique that helps align yourself so you're manifesting what you want quickly?

Would you be open to give it a go and see what you could call in to your life?

I sure hope so and I'd love to have you experience this profound work along with other like-minded women who will do this with you, support you and cheer you on as you step into your power.

This is the same process I've followed to personally heal from traumatic childhood experiences, grow a million dollar business during a global pandemic, heal from a trauma birth experience and have the most empowering free birth.

Other women I've guided through this process have been able to heal from sexual abuse experiences that were keeping them from feeling safe in their bodies, eating disorders, body image issues, traumatic birthing experiences and being able to have empowering and peaceful births after, being able to reclaim their confidence and successfully been able to request promotions and pay raises, releasing fear of being able to speak their truth and create more deeper and meaningful relationships and much more!

Don't miss this opportunity to do something your future self will thank you for.

Creche available.

Sign up now!

Frequently asked questions

What if I can’t attend all sessions? Do I get a refund?

To get the most of your experience, you need to commit to the entire 3 weeks. This event is non-refundable. You can, however, transfer to someone who is able to commit to the entire 3 week journey from the beginning. Contact at least 24 hours before event starts to transfer

Where do I park?

You can park in the driveway or on the street.

What do I bring?

Water bottle, pen and journal. All other materials will be provided.

What if I’m pregnant or breastfeeding?

Please just let us know before the event to accomodate as we will be using essential oils and drinking ceremonial cacao.

Organised by

Dayan is an Intuitive Integrative Coach, Reiki Master, Aroma Freedom Practitioner and more. She combines her unique set of skills and experience to help women who are stuck in a life sapped of joy, health and fulfillment to lives brimming with happiness, purpose and healing.

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