Skillsets for Success | An introduction to SKY Student Wellbeing

Skillsets for Success | An introduction to SKY Student Wellbeing

Breathe, Focus, Thrive. Discover the power of your breath to relieve stress, anxiety & boost your immune system in this free 90 min session.

By SKY Health Institute

Select date and time

Sun, 7 Jul 2024 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM AEST


University of Wollongong

Northfields Avenue Wollongong, NSW 2522 Australia

About this event

An engaging introductory workshop that creates the foundation for the next phase of life.

Struggle with anxiety or stress?

Struggling with stress and anxiety?

Trying to force those worried thoughts to go away usually just makes them worse, doesn't it? Pushing yourself to be happy when you're swamped with deadlines can make you feel even more down. You can't always battle stress by sheer willpower alone.

Feeling Frazzled? Discover the Power of Your Breath (and a Bit of Calm)

Tired of feeling overwhelmed by deadlines, and the never-ending pressure of life? Join us for a FREE introductory talk and discover how simple tools can make a huge difference.

Why should I attend?

During this free live workshop, you will learn:

✔ About the tendencies of our mind and how to overcome negative patterns using certain breathing techniques.

✔ A calming breathing technique to quiet and relax the mind, preparing it for deep meditation.

✔ A real experience of meditation to effortlessly cut the vicious cycle of thoughts, leaving your mind focused, clear & stress-free

✔ The power of connecting with positive, like-minded people to feel uplifted and supported.

✔ About the benefits of SKY Breath Technique, a powerful technique that will remove deep-rooted blocks, quiet the mind and lead you into effortless meditation.

This isn't about becoming a zen master overnight. It's about:

  • Feeling less hijacked by anxiety in those critical moments.
  • A clearer mind to tackle those tough assignments.
  • Building a toolkit to handle whatever student life throws at you.

Here's the deal: This talk is for anyone ready to ditch the constant struggle and find more ease. Whether you're totally new to meditation or just want to understand the science behind stress relief, we've got you covered.

Proven Methods

Are you an Adult between 18-30 years old? Do you need tools to deal with stress?

These years can be an extremely stressful time for young people, with many experiencing burnout & anxiety. Ask someone with anxiety to close their eyes and focus on their thoughts and they’ll end up more anxious. Force yourself to be happy and you’ll may end up even more depressed. You can’t manage the mind from the level of the mind.During and after this program you will be more at peace, with more clarity and focus, enhanced brain function and an increase in energy.

Understanding Stress

Our minds remain constantly engaged in deep rational and analytical thinking, which goes beyond office hours. Taking time away from work is not a luxury but a necessity to reset our brains. When stress builds up in our system, we find ourselves feeling tired or having little energy. We could also have a poor appetite or find ourselves overeating, might feel bad about ourselves or lose interest or pleasure in doing things altogether.

Understanding Anxiety

When anxious, we may have difficulty focusing or thinking clearly about anything other than what we're worried about. It might be feeling nervous, restless or tense or not sleeping well at night or having trouble concentrating on things or having the mind go blank.

Our Approach

"The main benefit is it's significantly improved my ability to stay calm when I'm stressed, tired or angry. I used to think these practices were for people who did very little, but it's the opposite. I have a lot to do and I have to be effective as a leader.. keeps me moving in the right direction."

Clarke Weatherspoon, Teacher

"Learning to manage my own mind and body through breathing practices has truly been the greatest gift. Practicing...everyday has helped me heal past wounds, become more confident in myself and more aware of everything in my life so that I can be a better me."

Brittany Potier, Entrepreneur

“Do it, it is really amazing how much breathing can impact your mood, but you definitely need to experience it for yourself. I really enjoyed how it is such a practical tool that can be easily incorporated during ones day. Very wonderful community and environment!”

Padma, Digital Marketing Specialist

Register Now for this FREE Introductory Talk!

Contact Giti on +61 422 396 335 or email

Organised by

SKY Health's mission is to provide interventions that ensure people have access to tools to deal with anxiety, stress and isolation and cultivate innate human values of kindness, compassion, friendliness, understanding and service to others