Roundtable: Generative AI Careers and Consulting

The roadmap for a professional services career in Generative AI. For students, consultants, designers, product & project managers, etc.

By Now Next Later AI

Date and time

Mon, 22 Jul 2024 1:00 AM - 2:00 AM PDT



About this event

This Roundtable

As global markets increasingly focus on the potential opportunities and productivity enhancements offered by Generative AI, there is a noticeable impact on the job market and professional services sector. This shift is characterized by substantial disruptions, including workforce reductions and fluctuating demand for various products and services. In response, students and business professionals are keenly observing the rapid evolution of Generative AI—despite its current state of hype and associated risks—to strategically plan their future career paths and business decisions.

In our focused roundtable, we concentrate on identifying and exploring emerging opportunities within professional services. Our aim is to guide participants on how to initiate their journey into this rapidly growing field and evolve their existing competencies in areas like strategy, transformation, design, product and project management, and content creation.

Our approach is straightforward and devoid of unnecessary complexity or buzzwords. We intend to clearly delineate between reality, hype, and realistic expectations in this burgeoning sector. This includes providing practical starting points and strategies for ethical professionals looking to adapt and thrive in this dynamic environment.

Please reach out if you have any questions.

As we navigate through an AI landscape brimming with possibilities and challenges, it fills me with pride to see our community attract so many ethical leaders dedicated to embracing a human-centric approach in this field.

Our membership is expanding globally, encompassing book readers, course participants, and advisory clients. In response, we are committed to providing an optimal experience tailored to your specific needs.

We're transitioning from large-scale forums and broadcasts to more intimate group sessions. These smaller gatherings will concentrate on particular interest areas, bringing together like-minded members in carefully selected groups.

Our agenda includes organizing small online round tables, each limited to ten participants, concentrating on topics such as AI Strategy and Business Case, AI Transformation Blueprint, AI Governance and Risk Management, AI Careers and Consulting, and AI Futures and Innovation.

While I will initiate these sessions with some key talking points, they are primarily designed for dynamic interaction, in-depth discussions, and Q&A. To ensure relevance and alignment, attendance will be meticulously curated, focusing on business professionals. However, for the AI Careers and Consulting sessions, students, job seekers, and professional services practitioners are especially welcome. None of these sessions will be recorded.

We emphasize that these are human-centric, no self-promotion forums, and anonymous registrations will be declined. These meetings are complimentary, devoid of sales pitches or hype, offering a unique chance for meaningful engagement and a deep dive into Responsible AI-driven Business Transformation. We will confine speculative and futuristic discussions to the AI Futures and Innovation forums.

We’re excited about the rich conversations and collaborative growth that await us in this journey of Responsible AI.

Learn more about us by reviewing our books, courses, and free live sessions.

Organised by

Now Next Later AI is an AI advisory, training, and publishing agency supporting organizations with their AI adoption, strategy, and transformation.

On Sale 12/06/2024 at 6:00 am