RISE DAY -  Wellbeing and Success Program for Asian International Students

RISE DAY - Wellbeing and Success Program for Asian International Students

Join us at the RISE DAY - EMPOWER to recharge, empower, and transform yourself! 心灵充能一日旅 - 留学生心理赋能计划,助你走出留学孤独和职业迷茫,突破语言障碍,发现优势、实现自我。

By Mindspace Consulting 思维心理

Date and time

Sat, 4 May 2024 10:30 AM - 3:30 PM AEST


Sidney Myer Asia Institute

761 Swanston Street #325 Parkville, VIC 3052 Australia


Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

The Power of Awareness: Beginner Mindfulness Workshop 觉察的力量:线下正念冥想工作坊

A mindfulness workshop aimed at understanding mindfulness, cultivating mindful awareness, connecting with our bodies, and releasing stress through a range of mindfulness activities and guided meditat...

About this event

  • 5 hours

RISE DAY - EMPOWER: Wellbeing and Success Program for Asian International Students

Join us for RISE, a program designed specifically for Asian international students to enhance your wellbeing and personal development in Australia. Through (1) The Power of Awareness: Beginner Mindfulness Workshop and (2) Wellbeing and Success Seminar for International Students, you'll gain valuable insights and tools to navigate challenges, reduce stress, build resilience, and thrive in a new environment. Don't miss out on this opportunity to recharge your energy, connect with other students, and begin a journey towards improved mental wellbeing and personal empowerment. Look forward to seeing you there!

Date: May 4th, Saturday 2024

Time: 10:30 am - 3:30 pm

Location: 325/761 Swanston St, Sidney Myer Asia Centre, Parkville/Online Live Streaming

Languages: English & Mandarin Chinese


(1) The Power of Awareness: Beginner Mindfulness Workshop

10:30 - 12:00PM

Facilitator: Eva Huang - Registered Counsellor

(2) Wellbeing and Success Seminar for International Students

1:00 - 3:00PM

PART 1 - The Courage to Combat Loneliness: From Adaption to Thriving

Speaker: Dr. Queenie Wu - Clinical Psychologist

PART 2 - Find your Career Path in Haze: From Job Seeking to Employment

Speaker: Diana Liu - Career Coach

PART 3 - From Wallflower to Social Butterfly: Overcome Language Barrier with Elevated Self-confidence

Speaker: Daisy Wu - Founder of Multilingual Connectors

(3) Afternoon Tea Q&A + Networking

3:00 - 3:30PM

Catering is provided.

This event is organized by Mindspace Consulting - MultiCultural Psychology Services, supported by Study Melbourne, and co-organized by the Australian Chinese Student Psychological Association(ACSPA), Monash Mood Psychology, Psyckitchen mental health organisation, and ToFuture Education Group. We invite professionals with lived experience as international students, to facilitate the face-to-face workshop, share their successful experiences, and engage in discussions with participants to answer their questions.

加入我们的「心灵充能一日旅」,专门为中国和亚洲留学生设计的公益心理活动,旨在帮助在留学生突破留学的心理压力和挑战,学习成功经验与实用技巧,促进个人成长,成就充实而成功的留学生活。活动包括两部分, (1) 觉察的力量:线下正念冥想工作坊 (2) 留学经验分享会,助你更好地应对留学挑战、缓解压力、培养心理抗逆能力,进而在新环境中达到自我实现。不要错过这个给心灵充能、获得社群支持,为自己向前一步的好机会。期待与你的相见!

● 活动时间:2024年5月04日(周六)

● 活动语言:中英文

● 活动地点:墨尔本大学Parkville校区 Sidney Myer Asia Centre,同时提供线上直播

● 活动内容:

(1) 觉察的力量:线下正念冥想工作坊

10:30 - 12:00PM

导师:Eva Huang - 注册心理咨询师

(2) 留学经验分享会

1:00 - 3:00PM

PART 1 - 走出孤独的勇气:适应留学生活,实现自我价值

分享嘉宾:Dr. Queenie Wu - 临床心理学家

PART 2 - 告别职业迷茫:从实习到就业,助你打开澳洲职场

分享嘉宾:Diana Liu - 职业发展导师

PART 3 - 从社恐到社牛:突破语言障碍,找回你的自信心

分享嘉宾:Daisy Wu - Multilingual Connectors 创始人

(3) 下午茶Q&A + Networking

3:00 - 3:30PM

本次活动由中文心理咨询机构Mindspace思维心理主办,StudyMelbourne支持,澳华学生心理协会、Monash 木禾心理社团、糖醋鱼的七秒心理健康组织、未来教育ToFuture Education Group协办。我们邀请到同样拥有留学背景的Mindspace心理咨询师,华人临床心理学家,职业发展导师,非营利机构创始人等专业人士面对面带领活动,分享成功经验,与参与者交流并答疑解惑。

  • 活动名额有限,请尽快完成报名。
  • 免费提供免费午餐和下午茶,莫纳什大学学生可乘坐免费巴士来到city。
  • 报名活动后,请添加微信客服助理(ID: QWmindspace)拉你进入活动群。


Frequently asked questions

Can I attend the event online? 本次活动能不能线上参加?

Yes, please select "live stream" tickets if you wish to attend online. The live stream link and recording will only be emailed to ticket holders, so make sure you complete the booking. 可以,如您希望线上参加,请在订票时选择“线上直播”。我们只会为已订票的参与者发送直播链接及回放视频,所以请确保您已完成订票。

What's the language of this event? 本次活动的语言是什么?

We welcome all international students and the event will be delivered in English/Mandarin Chinese. 考虑到可能会有不同国家的留学生参与到本次活动当中,活动的语言将会是中英文进行。

Organised by