Rent It Keep It (Fairfield)

Rent It Keep It (Fairfield)

Rent it Keep it is a FREE one-day program to help you secure, and successfully maintain a rental tenancy.

By Hume Housing


7 Hamilton Rd

7 Hamilton Road Fairfield, NSW 2165 Australia

About this event

  • 4 hours

Are you finding it hard to successfully secure a rental?

Are you struggling with budgeting and paying your rent?

Are you at risk of losing your rental because of property care issues?

No matter your age, whether you are a current tenant or looking for your first rental – this program will help everyone.

Rent It Keep It sessions fill up fast so don’t miss out. Book your seat NOW!

Grab the opportunity to learn how to be a good tenant, understand your rights, and responsibilities of renting in the public and community housing (or private rental market) along with how to increase your chances of successfully securing and keeping a rental tenancy.

• The 4-hour program is FREE and includes a light lunch.

• You will enjoy a welcoming, relaxed non-judgemental setting.

• You can attend on your own or bring a support person.

• You will receive a Certificate of Completion at end of session which can be added to your customer record or submitted with any private rental applications.

• You will learn how, as a good tenant, you can improve you rental housing journey, moving from temporary accommodation into long term rental in the housing market.

For more information please contact Hume Housing on 1800 004 300

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