Reiki Level 3A (introduction to Shinpiden - Master Teacher level) in person

Are you ready to take your Reiki journey to the next level? This is your introduction to the Reiki Master Teacher trianing

By Loretta Carraro

Date and time

Sun, 13 Oct 2024 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM AEDT


Nourished Energy

838 High Street Armadale, VIC 3143 Australia

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About this event

  • 8 hours

We are awakening, evolving and ascending into a new reality and you’ve landed here because you’re a leader in this change.

You want more than just to help people. You’re ready to co-create a new paradigm. You’re incredibly gifted at what you do and you want to lead others through this extraordinary time.

You’re ready to integrate your learnings together. To accept your unique abilities and transcend what is truly holding you back from stepping up.

You know that if you want new results in your life, you’re going to need to embrace the change being orchestrated by your soul.

You’re ready to reconnect with your soul and access the wisdom within so you can confidently live out your highest expression.

You want to start exploring and facilitating healing at a much deeper level - a quantum level, beyond this lifetime and beyond the current paradigm.

If this is resonating, I’d like to extend to you an invitation to join Ascension.

Ascension is more than just a Level 3A Reiki certification. It is the gateway between the physical and spiritual realm. Your launchpad on the journey of self-mastery and the path to enlightenment.

Designed to take your level of higher consciousness to another realm, we bridge the gap to understanding how healing works on all levels - truly beyond time and space.

Since your Level 2 Reiki training, you’re beginning to open up the channels to explore working with energy on a deeper level. Reiki is an infinite source, continuously evolving. In this next level, you’re invited to truly understand what it means to make Reiki your own.

Using Reiki to underpin your transformation, throughout Ascension you’ll delve deeper into working with Quantum energy - facilitating transformation beyond this lifetime and our present experiences. You’ll reconnect with your true gifts as a healer and embrace all that you truly are.

Are you ready for a new standard of learning? One that maintains with the greatest respect and honour, the traditional Usui Reiki methods of healing but also matches the new paradigm we are shifting into.

There is a strong pull for us to step up and move beyond our limitations. This is my opportunity to step up to meet you there.

While this program is underpinned by the traditional teachings of the Usui Reiki natural healing method, I have also combined my expertise working with the alchemy of crystals, sound healing and my extensive skills and experience as a Life and Wellness coach and Mindfulness Teacher to bring you a Reiki course like no other.

Reiki is an incredible life-changing modality. I have experienced this for myself and now I want to share it with you so that you can start your own extraordinary transformation and inspire others to do the same.

I’m inviting you to experience this new paradigm in learning Reiki with me.

Imagine for a moment…

  • Having clarity about your gifts as a lightworker and how to share those with others
  • Feeling a greater connection to your soul self on all levels of who you are
  • Facilitate much deeper and impactful sessions with yourself and others
  • Accessing and reconnecting to the secrets of who you are
  • Learning to transcend limitation and truly co-create a life you want

Typically, Reiki students would need to wait until embarking on the Mastership training to access the energetic transmissions that are available during this course. But after teaching more than 400 students, I have seen the collective shift and the greater demand for deeper learning.

Ascension will help you fully step into your soul’s work and co-create a thriving business that is not based on hustling, burnout or grinding. This is in alignment with the new level of consciousness. One that is demanding you live and work from your heart - from a space of love and driven by your highest potential.

What you'll graduate with

  • A deeper understanding into who you are and how you can truly co-create your own healing methodology and practices.
  • Energetic activation to raise your level of consciousness to continue your path of self-mastery.
  • New skills and techniques to amplify your treatment sessions.
  • Confidence and support to create a professional practice.
  • Access to the highest of vibrations whenever you need it.
  • Exclusive membership to the loving, supportive and empowering Nourished Energy Community of students.
  • Level 3A Reiki certification to be able to practice on a much deeper level with clients, confidently combining modalities and use an additional two sacred symbols of Reiki.
  • Access to training materials, ongoing support, training and opportunities for further practice.
  • Advanced level of crystal healing and able to use Reiki with crystals more effectively.

Program Syllabus

  • Who are you and what are you here for? (Passion vs. Purpose, Ancestral patterns, The soul self, Living in soul alignment, Enlightenment, Past lives and how to recognise and work with them)
  • Guides and other realms (How to access and work with other realms, How to call on your guides for help, Ascended Masters)
  • Symbols (History of Reiki symbols for Level 3A, Connecting with symbols, How to use the Reiki symbols for your own self healing, Healing on others using symbols during a Reiki session, Using symbols for others and in day-to-day life)
  • Taking your practice to the next level (Practicing using symbols and other tools, Creating your own unique practice, Navigating your unique gifts as a healer and how to share what you do, Connecting with and working through your soul self, Balancing masculine and feminine energy in business, for more effective client sessions and in your life)
  • Manifestation, ritual and crystal gridding (The secrets of manifestation and making things happen, How to create rituals and use them to enhance your life, How to create a crystal grid to amplify your healing sessions and your life, Using the Moon for deeper healing and connecting with her cycles)

Here’s the program breakdown

Duration: 10+ hours of live training + course work. (This includes pre course work - a combination of virtual videos and reading content, live training and a follow-up call after 21 days. During the live training, you’ll have opportunities for live coaching and mentoring).

Prerequisites: Level 2

Your Investment: $700 (payment plan option available)

Are you feeling called to help raise the collective consciousness and help humanity transition from a culture of fear to a love-based community?

Register now to join the program and get access to all the resources to get a headstart on your transformational journey.

Why learn Reiki with Nourished Energy?

Creator of Nourished Energy, Loretta Carraro began learning Reiki in 2011 and since then has been dedicated to her Reiki practice. She has a strong passion for teaching Reiki as a secular, non-judgemental modality. She believes it is a life-changing and rewarding practice that is open to everyone to learn, cultivating compassion, inner peace and Universal connection.

Obtaining her Master-Teacher level in three lineages, Loretta is truly passionate and continues to research, study and expand her knowledge of energetic healing and to her own self-development. She believes that the best kind of teacher is one that never stops being a student.

Loretta is a high vibrational facilitator of Reiki transformational programs. Her courses are the only ones of their kind - honouring the traditional aspects of Usui Reiki with the strategy and tools to truly ground the practice of Reiki and co-create lasting change.

Loretta is joined by, Nourished Energy Teacher, Stef Griffin.

Stef began her Reiki journey with Nourished Energy back in 2018. Stef’s journey with Reiki has allowed her to rediscover her love for all things spiritual and metaphysical, whilst also finding her soul purpose that she had been searching for all along.

Stef has a background in social work, and has always been driven to support and help people make the change in their life that they are desiring. After finding Reiki, she knew that this was the missing piece of the puzzle.

When you graduate with a Nourished Energy certificate, you are graduating with so much more than a healing modality - but the foundational support you need to be a thriving and masterful Lightworker.

Be a part of a vibrant community

When you join the Nourished Energy student community you have the opportunity to connect with a vibrant group of peers interested in learning from one another and exploring together through:

  • Exclusive access to our private closed Facebook Group for Reiki students
  • Opportunities to be part of and practical experience at wellness workshops and events
  • Regular Reiki share opportunities with other students
  • Ongoing support, learning and resources for all students
  • Practical in-clinic experience as part of Nourished Energy Community

Frequently asked questions

How long does it go for?

Reiki Level 3a - Ascension, is divided into three parts. Once students have registered, they are granted access to the pre-course work with over 20 hours of content and trainings. The live training is 8+ hours. We also have a follow up one hour zoom call after 21 days for questions and a healing

Do you offer payment plans?

Yes we do! Please get in touch via email to organise a payment plan for your chosen course.

Are the Nourished Energy courses certified?

Yes all Nourished Energy courses are accredited by the IPHM International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine. Nourished Energy is a global training centre for Reiki and is a registered training provider and practitioner with the Reiki Healing Association and International Reiki Association.

Can I do it privately?

Yes I offer private classes, this option is available for anyone who prefers to learn in a private 1:1 capacity rather than a group setting. Please send me an email to inquire about learning privately.

Is it ok if I have learnt Level 1and 2 with a different teacher?

Yes absolutely! All students are welcome to join even if you have completed Level 1 or 2 with another teacher. I may ask you what was covered in your coursework so I can understand your current knowledge and so I can best support you.

I don't know if I am a healer?

That's ok! We all have the ability to heal ourselves, Reiki simply helps us to switch on that light and gives us the tools to support our own healing. You don't have to be a 'healer' to learn Reiki. As long as you have an open mind, Reiki will help you to open your heart.

I don't know if I want to do my Mastership, can I still learn Reiki Level 3a?

Yes of course! Many students who undertake their Level 3a, either are unsure at the time if they will continue to do their Mastership. You may also decide at a later time that you are ready for your Mastership.

How many people are in a class?

My group classes are kept small to ensure the highest standard of teaching. It is an intimate setting, where everyone has the time and space to bring their questions and experiences. Each class is different but there is no more than 6 in a class.

Organised by

Creator of love and magic.

Nourished Energy is a health + wellness hub in Melbourne, empowering women to make soul nourishing changes so they can be their best self; to live a fulfilling and meaningful life. 

Events, courses, 1:1 healings and coaching.

Reiki Master-Teacher

Certified Crystal Practitioner 

Sound Healer

Life Coach