ONLINE Global Business Networking Growth Event: Connect for Success!

ONLINE Global Business Networking Growth Event: Connect for Success!

Only 3% of businesses have a strategy for referrals, break the cycle and join inspiring business leaders helping each other's business grow!

By BNI Melbourne Central




7:00 AM - 7:15 AM

Social Business Networking | Guided Breakout Rooms

7:15 AM - 7:25 AM

Leadership Intro, Purpose & Overview

Paul Kingston (President)

Tim Ash (Vice President)

7:25 AM - 7:26 AM

Visitor Introductions | 10-15 Second Visitor Intro

Paul Kingston (president)


7:26 AM - 7:30 AM

Network Education | Business Education Peice presented by a member!

Next week's feature presenter

7:30 AM - 7:35 AM

Notable Networker & Outstanding Performance (Monthly)

Paul Kingston (President)

Grant Thomas (Go-for-Green Leader)

7:40 AM - 7:55 AM

60 Second Pitch by Members

All Members

All members will demonstrate their business through a 60 second elevator pitch so that Visitors and other members can better understand in how they could interact with the services of that business.

7:55 AM - 7:57 AM

VP Monthly Report | PALMS

Tim Ash (Vice President)

This report is an overview of how the group is performing in relation to their commitment to each other, generating business and shows our visitors that if they are a friendly, motivated decisionmake...

7:57 AM - 8:00 AM

VP Report on Memberships our members are looking for and pending memberships!

Tim Ash (Vice President)

8:00 AM - 8:10 AM

Feature Presenter | 10 Minute Presentation Different Every Week

Different Member Each Week

8:10 AM - 8:11 AM

Spinning Wheel | Member Door Prize

8:15 AM - 8:20 AM

"I HAVE" acknowledgement of members & passed business.

All Members

8:13 AM - 8:15 AM

Announcements | Upcoming Events

8:11 AM - 8:13 AM

Visitors Voice & Visitors 1-2-3

Paul Kingston (President)


7:30 AM - 7:40 AM

Welcome New Members & Renewals (if Applicable)

Grant Thomas (Secretary)

7:30 AM - 8:45 AM

Close Meeting & (Optional) Continued Networking for Members & Visitors

About this event


Wednesday's is called hump day for a reason, you're in the middle of the weekend gone and the weekend to come.. Which is why we spice things up by driving business networking online on a Wednesday. Starting the day with an energized outlook and empowering conversations leading to new business opertunities will change your feeling of Wednesdays forever...

Do you want to network in a structured, professional and fun and friendly environment that is guaranteed to deliver referrals that grow your business? This is a GREAT introduction to our business community and see if a in-person event is your next step...

Come along to find out more...

In the 12 Months from 1/11/2023 we passed well over $1.5M+ in closed business!!

When and Where

When: Wednesday

Time: 7am for a 7.15am start Finishing at 8.30am

Where: Online Zoom link will be provided in your emails seconds after you register!

Cost: Free

Getting the most out of this meeting: It's important for any in-person or virtual networking event that you're present, video on and ready to turn on your microphone. It's important for any in-person or virtual networking event that you're present, video on and ready to turn on your microphone. What you put in on the morning, is what you get out of the morning. If you're driving your kids to school, running at the gym or working, then it's unlikely you'll experiance what this event will offer.

What to Bring: What you put in on the morning, is what you get out of the morning.

What to Bring: A coffee or five can help! However, be ready to tell us about you with a ~10-15 second infomercial (elevator pitch) based on who you are, and what you do.

We have a rapidly growing group of like minded business professionals in decision making roles that meet every week. The SBM and SME businesses in our community mainly do business with their SME and corporate connections.

This is a networking opportunity for the members and visitors of our group who meet weekly and normally pass referrals to each other (all in different industries).

Thank you to our resident photographer and long standing member Sav from Luminous Studios for the photography from a few of our networking events in person.

Frequently asked questions

Can you bring children to this event?

NO. All participants must be over the age of 18. If your child is working with you in the business, they can attend with a member as a visitor or with a visitor as another visitor. We encourage young people visiting our group.

Can I attend if I haven't been invited by a Member?

YES. You are welcome to come, and many visitors are not invited by members. You may have someone on our Visitor or Leadership team contact you to link you as a Visitor to them which can help you feel welcomed on the day.

How can I get the most out of my Visit?

Participate and talk to as many members as possible. Visit again in person (if you have come to our Virtual meeting) and continue to network with our members. Ensure you have a good 10-15 second elevator pitch and be present in the meeting.

How many times can I visit?

Officially you can Visit as a Visitor twice. We occasionally bend the rules to one Virtual Visit and two in person Visits if you are serious about joining as a member. If it's not right for you now, we allow another single visit in 12 months.

Organised by

As the worlds largest professional networking and referral business, BNI knows how to run exceptional events.

No matter which one of our events you attend, our team will make sure you feel comfortable and ensure your time with us is well spent.

With a core philospophy of "Givers Gain", you'll experience a positive and supportive culture that members and visitors alike report as one of the key success factors of BNI.

Everyone is welcome at BNI and we look forward to making your experience one ot remember.