On the Write Track

Registrations are closed

Thanks for registering for On the Write Track! Please remember to add the following details to your calendar: Date: 31 October, 2023 Time: 10:30AM to 12:30PM Location: 20.1 (Main Campus) Zoom link: https://uow-au.zoom.us/j/88089812669?pwd=V0dJd3BQR0hZMWdkaEpBRU5HcTF4QT09 We look forward to seeing you there!

On the Write Track

Writing is hard, and it's easy to feel like you're not doing enough. This event for all researchers who struggle with writing.

By Graduate Research School

Date and time

Tue, 31 Oct 2023 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM AEDT


To be announced

About this event

We hear many success stories but not failures or struggles along the research journey.

This workshop provides an opportunity for researchers from around the university to hear about the failures of some of UOW’s most successful writers, and importantly, for the sharing of strategies to overcome challenges within a supportive environment. On the Write Track is an event for all researchers. Topics to be discussed include:

  • Overcoming Writer’s Block (and Finding your Writing Mojo);​
  • Navigating Writing Hurdles: How to Write More Efficiently and Productively​
  • Dealing with Rejection & Implementing Feedback​

Our presenters have willingly volunteered to discuss their failures and share their experiences with us, to help us accept that failures and struggles are normal, and to celebrate our ability to persist and overcome challenges.

Organised by

Graduate Research School | Building 20 Floor 1 | University of Wollongong | +61 (02) 4221 5452 | graduate-research-school@uow.edu.au


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