Newborn Care Class, 新生婴儿护理(实操工作坊)
Ticket sales end soon

Newborn Care Class, 新生婴儿护理(实操工作坊)

澳洲华人新手爸妈圈, 超受欢迎的必修课, 让你成为优秀新手爸妈,让宝宝顺利诞生!课程与澳洲医院产前课程内容一致,由资深澳洲注册助产士专业授课。医院的产前课通常没法让所有人实操,很多爸妈回家全忘了❗️ 而我们的课程每对父母都配有一套护理工具, 让大家反复操作

By Little Whales


Little Whales Wellbeing Centre

2A Brown Street Ashfield, NSW 2131 Australia

About this event

  • 2 hours

This class is provided to students who had enrolled in the following courses. Please email to confirm booking.


请发送电子邮件至 以确认预订。

C-01 Antenatal Course-产前课程 (视频课) - Online class

C-02 坐月子及新生儿护理

Bonus Class

面授课 - 新生儿护理实操课程(~~ 1.5 小时) - 实践环节 - 常见问题




✅ Q&A 提问环节

✅ 换尿布

✅ 如何安全包裹宝宝

✅ 喂奶、母乳喂养、催乳

✅ 哄睡

✅ 给宝宝洗澡

✅ 脐带护理

✅ 眼部护理

✅ 按摩、抚触

✅ 产后盆底肌运动

Refund cancellation and transfer policy for workshops and classes

No Refunds

We do not provide refunds for cancellations, withdrawals, missed workshops. Once a workshop/class has commenced there are no refunds, transfers or credits.

Cancellations or withdrawals

You will not receive any credit if you cancel a workshop within 2 weeks of the workshop/class commencement date. You may substitute a friend (or sibling) to attend the same workshop/class you booked at no cost. Please let us know of any substitutions before the class commences.

Class transfers

If you need to reschedule a workshop/class to a different date, you can do this at no charge IF you make the arrangements 2 weeks before the commencement of the class.

You can transfer your workshop/class booking to a different attendee (eg friend/sibling) at any time at no cost. Please let us know if you wish to transfer to a different person.

Group booking*

If you need to reschedule a class to a different date, you and your group can do this at no charge IF you make the arrangements 2 weeks before the commencement of the class. The whole group will be rescheduled to the other date. No individual class rescheduling permitted.

Zoom Online Streaming

If you cannot attend the class/workshop in person, zoom online streaming class can be offered depends on the availability. Please contact us in advance to organize.

欢迎报名参加小鲸鱼健康中心的【 澳洲产前产后課程】,本节课程分为三个阶段展开,涵盖孕期(产前)护理, 从去医院前的准备,到医院生产全过程,再到出院回家后如何母乳及护理你的新生儿宝宝。课程分为三节课, 每节为2小时。


部分课程费用$可在私人保险申请报销, 面授课的学员可领取小鲸鱼礼包一份!

上课地址:Shop 10, Phoenix Arcade, 2A Brown Street, Ashfield NSW 2131


电话:02 9716 4666

Organised by

Solutions & Supports for New Parents.


