mudita Quiz Night

mudita Quiz Night

By mudita inc.

Date and time

Fri, 9 Nov 2018 7:00 PM - 10:30 PM AWST


Leederville Town Hall

84 Cambridge Street West Leederville, WA 6007 Australia

Refund Policy

No Refunds


Join us for the Launch Event for mudita inc on Friday 9 November 2018

Tickets $20 each - Tables of eight

mudita has partnered with the Shine Zambia Literacy School's Feeding Program that feeds the kids of the school for a whole year!

Join us for a fun night of games, quiz and amazing entertainment.

BYO snacks,drinks and brain!!!

Organised by

Creating opportunities for individuals, families and communities to live a better life.
“ is about people not projects; impact not outcomes. The redefining and realignment of our humanness and our need to meaningfully connect. Because experience proves emphatically that people don’t want a program. They don’t want to be an anonymous statistic used to fund another support service. They don’t want to have an organisation do something to or for them. People want to be become astronaut, a nurse, a teacher, a mother, a friend, a colleague, a partner…a man. People. All people, the world over…whether rich or poor, black or white, old or young, vulnerable or strong…innately believe in and strive for one universal People want the opportunity to live a life. Their life. And in the experiences of those Mudita seeks to walk alongside, partner with and support...the opportunity to live a better life. We commit our strengths, focus and resources to simply making these moments count. And with people such as you…choosing to partner with people like us, we get to be reconnected and united in the possibility of creating a global movement of humanistic opportunity and life changing impact. And by cultivating our individual ‘less,’ we can in fact together… achieve a life worth ‘more’…”
Sales Ended