Moving from being a cyber target to being cyber secure

Moving from being a cyber target to being cyber secure

In this Ai Group webinar you will hear from an Ai Group member on their journey from being a cyber target to a cyber safety advocate.

By Ai Group

Date and time

Wed, 26 Jul 2023 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM PDT



About this event

The recent high profile cases of cyber attacks on large household names may lull you into thinking that you’re too small to be the target of cyber criminals. However, small companies are often targeted due to their involvement in larger supply chains and the perception that they are easier to infiltrate.

In this Ai Group webinar, you will hear from an Ai Group member on their journey from being a cyber target to a cyber safety advocate. Hear how they dealt with the disruption of a ransomware attack, the impact on their production systems and the recovery to not-so-usual business.

Our presenter:

Chris Bridges-Taylor, Director, B&R Enclosures

B&R Enclosures is an Australian family-owned manufacturing business in operation for over 65 years, now running offices in every state and in several international locations.

Like many Australian manufacturers, B&R is driven to become more globally competitive, and for the past five years the organisation has been on an Industry 4.0 journey. Today, most areas of their factories are linked and along with global digital connectivity, B&R achieves flexibility and transparency in decision making and services its diverse markets with integrated systems that support continuous improvement.

Host: Louise McGrath, Head of Industry Development and Policy, Ai Group

Organised by

The Australian Industry Group (Ai Group) is Australia's peak industry association. Acting on behalf of business for 150 years, we are the country's only truly national employers' organisation.


Ai Group represents the interests of more than 60,000 businesses employing more than 1 million staff. Our longstanding involvement with diverse industry sectors including manufacturing, construction, transport, labour hire, mining services, defence, airlines and ICT means we are genuinely representative of Australian industry.


With more than 250 staff in offices across NSW, QLD, SA, VIC and WA, we have the resources and the expertise to meet the changing needs of our members. We provide the practical information, advice and assistance you need to run your business more effectively.


Ai Group also offers members a voice at all levels of government through our policy leadership and influence. Our deep experience of industrial relations and workplace law positions Ai Group as the leading advocate on behalf of enterprises large and small across Australia.


We intrinsically appreciate the challenges facing industry and remain at the cutting edge of policy debate and legislative change – and strategic business management.

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