Monday Lunch Livestream with Priyanka Pillai and Dr Emma Burrows

Monday Lunch Livestream with Priyanka Pillai and Dr Emma Burrows

Beyond “fixing” individuals and a singular focus on women

By VCCC Alliance

Date and time

Mon, 22 Aug 2022 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM AEST


VCCC Alliance - online event

Online Melbourne, VIC 3000 Australia

About this event

We need to shift emphasis from “fixing” individuals to approaches that drive lasting cultural and systemic change. This includes a more explicit focus on intersectional groups and addressing vital knowledge gaps about the experience of underrepresented minorities in the sector.

During this presentation we will provide an overview of the efforts and achievements of Women in Science Parkville Precinct (WiSPP) over the last 8 years. We will describe how our approach and strategies to reducing inequities in medical research have evolved over time.

We will host a panel to discuss:

• The need for interventions that move beyond the individuals and towards organisational-level strategies and systems level change.

• The need for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) initiatives to move beyond a singular focus on gender and consider the ways in which additional identities interconnect to impact on career opportunity and trajectory.

Organised by

The VCCC Alliance aims to support the continual professional development of the cancer care workforce locally and further afield. Programs are available for multidisciplinary clinicians, researchers, educators, primary care and allied health practitioners.

The VCCC Alliance deliver a varied program of events, workshops, master-classes, symposia, online learning and sponsored leadership development opportunities to support and enable a highly-skilled, high-calibre workforce, well positioned to meet the field's future demands.

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