Mini 1 Day Kickstart - Blackbutt June 2024

Mini 1 Day Kickstart - Blackbutt June 2024

Kickstart your Christian life :)

By Corneliu + Sulata Pop (0420 381360)

Date and time

Sat, 15 Jun 2024 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM AEST


163 Greenhills Dr

163 Greenhills Drive Blackbutt, QLD 4314 Australia

About this event

  • 7 hours 30 minutes

Jesus has called ALL OF US to go and make disciples.

At this training you will be activated (kick-started) to step out in faith: heal the sick, preach the Gospel, baptize in water and pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit and make disciples. You will receive solid Bible teaching and practical training while we go on the streets in small groups to ‘kickstart’ you.

In the Book of Acts, we read that God was using ordinary people to do extraordinary things. The church was growing fast and believers were being filled with the Holy Spirit. The disciples preached, healed, cast demons out and baptized people in water and in the Holy Spirit.

This was the ‘normal Christian life’ for a disciple of Jesus Christ. Is this kind of life still for today? Are we as disciples of Jesus still called to do these same ‘Acts’? Yes! We believe this is still for today and for every believer who wants to be a disciple of the Lord Jesus. Jesus said, “Come, follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”

This will be a very jam packed day, so please come ready to go and on time. We will cover all the kickstart teachings and get as much time out in the harvest as we can.

Program: Sunday 9:00am-4:30pm

- Teaching

- Kickstarting (praying for the sick, preaching the gospel)

- Baptisms

- Testimonies

- Fellowship

- Break bread together

Food: There will be an opportunity for fellowship and communion throughout the day. If people would like to bring something small to share for morning tea that would be most appreciated. We will be encouraging participants to eat lunch together prior to being kickstarted.

Cost: The event is free. But if you would like to contribute to a communal meal you are more than welcome to.


This event is a non-denominational event and is welcome to anyone who wants to be a follower of Jesus.

Please be aware that this event will be affiliated with The Last Reformation teachings, however, Torben Sondergaard will not be at this event. The teaching will be provided by passionate disciples who have been trained at the Pioneer Training School (or other individuals who have been trained by these disciples) who love seeing the body of Christ equipped and fulfilling its calling to be obedient to Jesus.

It is advised/beneficical that people see the TLR movie and Holland Kickstart lessons prior to attending but this not necessary.

TLR movie -

Holland Kickstart-

For further details please contact

Corneliu Pop - 0420 381 360

Tess. P - 0457 662 221 (

Organised by