Menopause Cafe Online

Menopause Cafe Online

Come join us at the monthly Menopause Cafe to chat about all things menopause. Free and open to all!

By Felicity Brazil



About this event

Come join us for a free Menopause Cafe online gathering on the first Tuesday of every month.

It is for everyone who wants to talk about all things menopause over a cuppa and your dinner.

There is no set agenda and it's open to all genders and ages.

There are also no speakers or experts or people selling their products/services.

Absolutely not for profit and there is no intention of leading people to any conclusion, product or course of action.

More information:

Organised by

I am passionate about supporting wellbeing during menopause, both for those going through it and for their loved ones. Sharing my menopause experiences is helping me and others. This is why I am hosing Menopause Cafe's, both in person and online.

Menopause Cafe started in the UK, is a registered Scottish charity, and cafes are now hosted internationally. Find out more at