Melbourne Ritual Resonance
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Melbourne Ritual Resonance

Get ready for a transformative evening of grounding and heart opening vibes through the power of Cacao & Hape Ceremony integrated by sound.

By Jamie Patara - Energy Alchemy

Date and time

Sun, 9 Jun 2024 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM AEST


Merkaba Studio

15 Mills St Cheltenham, VIC 3192 Australia

Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event

Ritual Resonance

Join your host Jamie Patara and step into a realm of profound healing and transformation at our upcoming Cacao, Hapé, and Sound Healing Event. In this sacred gathering, we will embark on a journey that honours the wisdom of ancient medicines. Be prepared to experience the heart-opening magic of cacao, a gentle yet powerful plant medicine that will guide you to a place of inner exploration and connection. The ritual use of Hapé, or rapé, will ground you in the present moment, cleansing and clearing the path for deeper healing. To further elevate your experience, we'll weave the mesmerizing vibrations of sound with a shamanic and ethereal soundscape creating a harmonious tapestry that resonates with your soul. This event will be a space of profound self-discovery, unity, grounding and inner peace.

W hat is Ceremonial Cacao?

Cacao is the raw form of the westernised version we know as chocolate today. It has a long history of use by Indigenous peoples in Mesoamerica for both culinary and ceremonial purposes. It was highly valued and often used as currency.

Cacao is known for its potential health benefits, particularly in its less-processed form (dark chocolate and raw cacao). It contains antioxidants, flavonoids, and minerals that may have positive effects on heart health and overall well-being. It is a beautiful medicine of the heart.

Beyond its culinary uses, cacao has been used in various spiritual and healing rituals. Cacao ceremonies involve the consumption of a specially prepared cacao elixir made from raw cacao beans to enhance emotional and spiritual experiences, promote connection, and facilitate self-reflection.

W hat is Hape?

Hapé, also spelled as rapé, is a traditional shamanic snuff or sacred snuff powder that originates from Indigenous Amazonian cultures, particularly among the tribes of Brazil and Peru. It is created by blending the sacred tabacco plant, various powdered medicinal plants, herbs, and tree ashes. Hapé is administered through the nostrils using a blowpipe called a the facilitator who gently blows it into the recipient's nose.

Hapé has both medicinal and spiritual significance in Indigenous cultures. Hapé is used in shamanic rituals and ceremonies to facilitate deeper states of consciousness, connect with the spiritual realm, and gain insight and clarity. It is seen as a way to cleanse the mind and body, enhance focus, and open the senses to receive guidance from the spiritual world. Hapé is often considered grounding and purifying. It is believed to help individuals become more present and focused in the moment. Please note: Hape is not a psychoactive plant medicine and does not induce hallucinations. Please be aware everybody's experience with this medicine varies, in small percentages Hape can potenially make the participant nauseous and in small cases purge.

What is Sound Healing?

Sound is more than we know as just sound. Sound is a human construct, one that would not exist without us. Therefore we need to understand that sound is vibration and frequency, some of the very elements of the fabric of the universe. When we talk about ourselves on a cellular level and how vibration and frequency can push and pull those cells which contain emotions in all sorts of directions, we can then begin to understand how powerful sound can be for us and our healing when harnessed in particular ways. I use a broad toolbelt of sounds such as live looping to create environmental sounds and noises. Coming over the top with Rav pan, Kalimba, Native American flutes, Crystal Harp and Singing bowls and Shamanic drums and rattles to guide and story tell a personalised experience for you.

Come and spend an evening together journeying with these beautiful medicines.

W hat to bring...

All yoga matts, bolsters & blankets are provided so please just bring a water bottle and perhaps a journal and eye mask if you feel called to.

You will receive an email the week prior to the event to remind you of the above plus any other information that may be required.

Please note -

  • As per listed policy there are no refunds or ticket transfers to other events. If you are unable to attend the event for any reason no refunds or transfers will be given .
  • Please note if you have any medical conditions/condraindications that the facilitator should be aware of that may be of concern to you participating that you contact them prior to booking your spot. These may include but may not be limited to, schizophrenia, bi-polar or manic disorders, epilepsy, heart conditions, pregnancy, or serious cardiovascular issues, high/low blood pressure, asthma, COPD, anyone on heavy medications.
  • This is strictly a drug and alcohol free event. Anyone attending to be under the influence will be asked to leave the event without a refund.

I look forward to sitting in ceremony together soon.

Jamie Patara

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