Make Friends - Ladies' Social  Mixer (20s,30s & 40s)
Ticket sales end soon

Make Friends - Ladies' Social Mixer (20s,30s & 40s)

Working in the city on a Friday but not feeling like going home straight after? Come enjoy the city lights and make a new friend or two.

By Your Social Planner

Date and time

Fri, 14 Jun 2024 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM AEST


Hibiscus Bar & Terrace

72 Queen Street Brisbane City, QLD 4000 Australia

Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event

Looking to spice up your post-work routine? Look no further than our "Make Friends - Ladies' Social Mixer" event! Whether you're looking for a new bestie or just some casual conversation, our after-work drinks are the perfect way to unwind and make new connections. Your fabulous host will make sure that you're feeling welcomed and included the whole evening, and there will be conversation starters and fun ice-breaker activities throughout the evening. So say goodbye to boring evenings and grab a glass, raise a toast, and get ready for some unforgettable after-work shenanigans with your new squad!

What to expect:

  • A fun-filled hosted event
  • Conversation starters to help you mix and mingle on arrival
  • Ice-breaker activites throughout the night to get to know other ladies more

Your Social Planner is the equivalent of a dating service, but for friends! We understand the difficulty in finding 'the right tribe'. We also understand the ever-growing need to have different friends at different life stages. We will help you at whatever life stage you are at, to find your tribe. Attend our events to find out more..

Frequently asked questions

I will be coming alone. Is this okay?

Absolutely! It's a great opportunity to meet new people when you are alone. You won't need to worry about what to say as we will have some fun games and conversation starters to get you going. Your fabulous event host will make sure that you feel welcomed at all times.

I'm a lad. Can I come?

Sorry boys, not this time! Stay tuned for future events though..

What's the age range?

Most people who come are in their 20's and 30's, but if you're a bit fear...feel free to come along. We will be having more targeted events in the future, so stay tuned!

Can I come with friends?

Absolutely! This event is not strictly for singles only so you and your friends are more than welcome to buy tickets to the event.

Organised by

Your Social Planner is your one-stop shop for all your social needs. Your Social Planner is like having your own personal social assistant creating and planning events just for you!

Find out more in person!