Languages at Sydney: Go Global 2018

Registrations are closed

Registrations have closed for Languages at Sydney: Go Global 2018. If you have any questions, please contact us via

Languages at Sydney: Go Global 2018

By School of Languages and Cultures USYD

Date and time

Fri, 2 Mar 2018 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM AEDT


The University of Sydney - Great Hall

Science Road #The University of Sydney Camperdown, NSW 2050 Australia



Date Friday, 2 March 2018, 1:30 – 4:30PM
Venue University of Sydney, Camperdown campus - The Great Hall and various locations

1:30 – 2:00PM Registration - The Great Hall

2:00 – 2:30PM Plenary session - The Great Hall

  • Welcome by the School of Languages and Cultures (SLC)
  • Speeches by current and former SLC students on studying languages with SLC, and career opportunities for languages students

2:40 – 3:20PM S1: Language session 1 or campus tour (40 mins)

3:30 – 4:10PM S2: Language session 2 or campus tour (40 mins)

4:10 – 4:30PM Refreshments and debrief with visiting students, SLC students, and SLC staff in the famous University of Sydney Quadrangle. A chance to ask further questions, and take a selfie on the lawns!

Want to really become a global citizen?
We've got your passport.

Languages at Sydney is your opportunity to meet us, learn about studying languages at the University of Sydney, and perhaps even catch a glimpse of your future.

You put a lot of hard work into studying a language at high school two, three or even more years, but unfortunately in many cases a lot of this energy is wasted because students don’t continue speaking or studying their language after high school.

The School of Languages and Cultures at the University of Sydney understands this. We want to encourage and inspire high school language students to continue their language education at a tertiary level by progressing with a language they studied at school, or beginning a new language from scratch.

What is Languages at Sydney?

It's an event on campus at the University of Sydney to give high school students a chance to see, feel, and experience university life as a tertiary language student – participate in a lecture and tutorials with other students from schools across Sydney.

Who is Languages at Sydney for?

  • Year 12 languages students (IB, HSC, NSW School of Languages)
  • Any Year 10, 11 and 12 students interested in learning languages at university
    (This event is open to total beginners as well as continuing language students and native speakers who want a tertiary qualification in their language)
  • Year 11 and 12 languages teachers and Careers Counsellors and Advisors

Who benefits from attending Languages at Sydney?

High school students, language teachers and Careers Counsellors can gain from Languages at Sydney.

High School students will get to understand the clear path from high school to university language studies, and learn about the career opportunities available to language students. Languages at Sydney brings together students from schools across NSW, and promotes a community spirit that encourages multilingualism and multiculturalism.

High school teachers and advisers, as well as university staff benefit from the event by having the opportunity to meet and establish relationships upon which to build and work together.

Registration & FAQs

How do I register?

  • Registrations are individual, every student and teacher must register independently.
  • Follow the 'Register' link and a booking window will pop up.
  • Scroll through to select the language session you would like to attend, and then a campus tour session in the alternate time slot, ie. Session 1: Italian (all levels) + Session 2: Campus tour.
  • Please make sure you only select one S1 session and one S2 session (S2 follows S1 as you scroll down the list). We’ll automatically include you in the welcome plenary and debrief sessions (detailed program below).

I’d like to take two language sessions but they are scheduled at the same time, what should I do?

We recommend you book into the session for your preferred language, and you can let us know when you enter your details if you’d like to know more about another language as well. We can then make sure you meet with a representative from your second language at the debrief session so you can ask a few questions then.

What language level am I at?

Beginners = complete beginners, very little to no experience in the language

Intermediate = HSC Beginners or IB ab initio students (have taken up the language in year 11)

Advanced = HSC Continuers, HSC Extension students, or IB Language B students

Heritage = language other than English spoken at home (available for Chinese only)

The session I am interested in is ‘all levels’ or a mixed level tutorial. Will I be able to understand what’s going on?

These sessions tend to be in smaller groups, so we’ve put them together to make sure that you get a chance to experience the languages you want to. When you enter your details at the end of the registration process we’ll ask you to tell us what language level you’re interested in, and we’ll make sure the tutorial is tailored to suit you all.

Please note: Students who attended Languages at Sydney in 2017 do not need to attend in 2018 as it’s the same event.

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