Intro to remote usability research with UsabilityHub

Intro to remote usability research with UsabilityHub

Join us for a deep dive into the UX Australia pre-conference survey results and an insight into creating effective remote usability tests

By UsabilityHub

Date and time

Wed, 25 Aug 2021 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM PDT



About this event

In the era of Covid it’s become critical for companies to be able to run research remotely. Where once before you would have been able to get away with in-person interviews, a sophisticated research toolkit in 2021 needs to include remote unmoderated testing.

As a bonus, in this workshop we’ll be sharing real insights about the UX industry, the UX Australia conference and the current challenges facing each and everyone one of you.

All attendees will receive a special new-user offer worth $50 AUD to help you get started with your own tests in no time.

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