How to live well with advanced/metastatic cancer

How to live well with advanced/metastatic cancer

What supports and strengthens you to live as well as you can? Hear from others about what helps them.

By Counterpart

Date and time

Tue, 26 Jul 2022 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM PDT



About this event

How do you live well with metastatic cancer? There is no right way!

However, sometimes it can be helpful to consciously reflect on what it is that best supports us and how we draw upon our strengths, so that we can find ways to bring more support and power into our lives. In listening to and sharing with others who live with a similar experience, we can claim and celebrate our courage, wholeness and creativity.

We’d love to have you join us to hear about what you’ve learned and the strategies you use to keep cancer from scaring you out of enjoying life.

This session will be facilitated by cancer support nurse and counsellor, Tracey Moroney. Tracey works at Ringwood Private Hospital coordinating the cancer support service which includes counselling and psychological support, cancer support groups and education forums. She will give a short presentation and then open up discussion and sharing for the women present.

You are welcome to participate or to observe, as you feel most comfortable.

You may also like to send us your questions/comments before the session. Email these to

This event is open to Victorian women affected by metastatic/advanced cancer.

Organised by

Counterpart connects, supports and informs women with cancer to live well, whatever that means to them.

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