Headaches Workshop - Kotara

Headaches Workshop - Kotara

Headaches affect thousands of average Australians every single day - come and learn why this may affect you and what you can do about it!

By Chiropractic Life

Date and time

Wed, 19 Jun 2024 6:15 PM - 7:30 PM AEST


Chiropractic Life Kotara

76 Park Avenue Kotara, NSW 2289 Australia

About this event

Ongoing headaches and migraines don't need to be a long-term issue.

Headaches affect thousands of average Australians every day. They can be debilitating and often affect our everyday activities and things we love to do.

Headaches and any form of pain are not normal. They are signals and your body’s way of signalling that something is wrong and needs help.

The most prevalent types of headaches include tension, cervicogenic (neck), migraine, and sinus headaches. These can be linked to many factors, from fatigue to poor posture, stress, physical injury, or irregular sleep patterns, to name just a few.

Dr Jason Geres (Chiropractor) in Kotara invites you to this FREE headache and migraine seminar.

In this transformational seminar, you will learn:

  1. Posture hacks that you must change if you want to be rid of headaches & migraines
  2. Learn what is the number 1 cause of most people's headaches & migraines & what you can do about it today
  3. How Chiropractic care can provide an effective treatment for certain types of headache

Seating is limited, so grab your ticket today.

Register now!

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