Fundamentals of Building a Successful Business-Fortnightly Virtual Workshop

Join our online Virtual Small Business Workshop designed specifically for people with disabilities, 1st Wednesday of every month!

By IgniteAbility Program

Select date and time

Mon, 10 Jun 2024 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM PDT



About this event

Kickstart your journey today and turn your passion into a thriving business.

Join us for a FREE workshop that will help you:

  • Understand the difference between a hobby and a business, and the value of each
  • Evaluate the overall potential of your idea
  • Identify your personal strengths, skills and role in your business
  • Learn about the importance of having a supportive business community, and how to find one.

This workshop would suit a person with a disability (including mental health challenges and psychosocial disabilities) who:

  • has a business idea
  • has an existing small business and is looking for extra support
  • does not have a business idea but is interested in learning about what it would take to start a small business

Or a person who:

  • is the carer/family member of a person with a disability
  • wants to start a business to support people with disabilities

🎁 All attendees on the day will be entered into a prize draw. One lucky workshop participant will receive a $20 voucher! It's our little way of saying thank you for being a part of our community.

Following the workshop, referral into the SSI IgniteAbility® program is available for one-on-one free support for workshop participants ready to start their small business or strengthen an existing one. For more information, visit our webpage here.

Can't make a monthly virtual workshop? We have a newly upgraded FREE e-learning version of this workshop. You can sign up here.


About Ignite and IgniteAbility.

Ignite® Small Business Start-ups is a social enterprise developed to facilitate small business creation for people from a refugee, migrant background, people with a disability, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and people from other marginalised communities who want to start their own business or expand an existing one.IgniteAbility can help people living with disability turn passion into possibility.

Do I have to do the workshop to join IgniteAbility?

No. This workshop is one of our IgniteAbility offerings and can be an excellent introduction to finding out if your idea can become a sustainable business. In this workshop you will be introduced to the areas that make up a strong business- Your product or service, marketing, financial care and legal obligations. You do not have to complete the workshop to refer into Ignite or IgniteAbility but some find the workshop to be a good first step. You can refer into the IgniteAbility program here without having completed this workshop. Our mentors will connect with you, help you understand your strengths and challenges and walk alongside you to explore your business idea.

How do I know if it is right for me?

This workshop would suit a person with a disability who:

  • has a business idea
  • has an existing small business and is looking for extra support
  • does not have a business idea but is interested in learning more

Does this workshop cost me anything?

Our workshop is completely free

If you need support or have any questions, please get in touch with us at

Frequently asked questions

About Ignite and IgniteAbility.

We are a social enterprise developed to facilitate small business creation for people from marginalised communities who want to start their own business or strengthen an existing one. IgniteAbility can help people living with disability turn passion into possibility.

Do I have to do the workshop to join IgniteAbility?

No. This workshop is one of our IgniteAbility offerings and can be an excellent introduction to finding out if your idea can become a sustainable business. You can refer into the IgniteAbility program without having to complete this workshop.

How do I know if it is right for me?

This workshop would suit a person with a disability who: *has a business idea *has an existing small business and is looking for extra support *does not have a business idea but is interested in learning more.

Does this workshop cost me anything?

This workshop is completely free

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