Digitising Family Memories(1-on-1 assistance)

Digitising Family Memories(1-on-1 assistance)

Preserve your family keepsakes!

By City of Holdfast Bay Library Services

Select date and time

Mon, 24 Jun 2024 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM ACST


Brighton Library - City of Holdfast Bay

20 Jetty Road Brighton, SA 5048 Australia

About this event

Book into a 1-on-1 session with a digital volunteer or library staff who can assist you in digitising your photographs, negatives, and keepsakes. This is a great way to preserve your treasured memories in a digital format so they can be shared and treasured for years to come.

We have the following equipment available:

  • Epson FastFoto scanner (able to quickly scan multiple photographs up to A4 size)
  • Negative scanner (compatible with 126KPK, 110 negative strip, Super 8, 35mm negative strip and mounted 35mm slide)
  • A3 overhead scanner (able to provide an overhead can of bulky items, and photographs up to A3 size)
  • Cassette to MP3 converter
  • DVD/CD drive

Important information

  • This booking is for a 1 hour session. If you have a large number of items to digitalise, we recommend booking into two sessions.
  • Please remember to bring a USB or SD card to save your photos or recordings onto.
  • Equipment is used at the publics own risk and the library, staff, and volunteers cannot be held responsible for any damage caused to items. By booking, you are agreeing to these terms.

This event has been organised by the City of Holdfast Bay Libraries.


We will always do our best to run our programs. However, please understand that programs may be cancelled at the last minute due to changes in health requirements.

Frequently asked questions

How long are sessions?

Session are for one hour. If you have a large number of items to digitalise, we recommend booking into two sessions.

Are bookings required?


What do I do if I am no longer able to attend?

If you are no longer able to attend your booking, then please cancel or contact Glenelg Library on 8179 9555.

What can you digitise?

We have equipment that can scan photos (up to A3 size), negatives sompatible with 126KPK, 110 negative strip, Super 8, 35mm negative strip and mounted 35mm slide), DVD/CD drive (conversion will depend on formatting of the disc), and convert cassette to MP3.

Who is this session for?

These sessions are aimed at adults.

Can I use the equipment without assistance?

Yes! The Media PC (which includes the Espson Foto Scanner and A3 Overhead Scanner) can be booked up to a week in advance for one hour at a time. The negative scanner, MP3 to cassette converter, and external DVD/CD drive cannot be booked in advance, but is available for in library use.

How do I contact you?

Contact Glenelg Library on 8179 9555, Brighton Library on 8229 9988 or email us at library@holdfast.sa.gov.au

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