Carers Respite Massage | Midland

Carers Respite Massage | Midland

If you’re in need of a break and a little bit of self care, we are offering 45 minute massage appointments for carers.

By HelpingMinds WA

Select date and time

Wed, 19 Jun 2024 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM AWST


1A Sayer St

1A Sayer Street Midland, WA 6056 Australia

About this event

If you are supporting someone close to you who lives with mental health challenges, it’s easy to forget about your own wellbeing.

If you’re in need of a break and a little bit of self-care, we are offering 45-minute massage appointments.

IMPORTANT: Once you have completed the Eventbrite process, a staff member will be in touch to assist you in booking your preferred time slot. Your reservation is not confirmed until this contact has been made.


Adults who are supporting a family member or friend experiencing mental health challenges.


HelpingMinds Office, 1a Sayer St, Midland


Select a date above.







Register to express interest.

Please be aware that selecting a ticket does not guarantee a spot at this event; it serves as an expression of your interest. Our team will promptly contact you to assess your eligibility and will advise if a space has been allocated.

Want to know more or have some questions or having trouble registering?

You can either:

• email

• or call 9427 7100 and ask for CYFS Administration


For Office Use Only: Dolly Code MarBrief1414

Organised by

HelpingMinds® is one of the best mental health organisations in Perth offering free support to the family, friends and carers of people living with mental health challenges across Western Australia.

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