Business Essentials: One Page Business Plan

Business Essentials: One Page Business Plan

Bringing it all together

By Indigenous Business Australia

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About this event

About this event

This workshop is for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have a business idea and want to break down the key elements or building blocks of their idea in describing their business model.

The one-page business plan helps provides focus in outlining the proposal to the person with the business idea and others who may be interested.

Workshop participants will be assisted in developing their one-page business plans if they have attended other IBA’s Business Essentials workshops where they will have considered their business building blocks.

Key topics include:

• Identifying and understanding your customer and target market

• Analysing your competition

• Start-up, revenue and expense projections for your business

• Financial performance and key metrics

• Key metrics how you measure your business performance.

After completing this workshop, you will have had the opportunity to analyse the key elements of your business and pull it together in a one-page business plan.

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