BNI Business Networking - Robina

BNI Business Networking - Robina

Join us at BNI Business Networking - Robina for some awesome in-person networking opportunities with local business professionals.

By Beau Worsley

Select date and time


Dog and Parrot Tavern

2 Scottsdale Drive Robina, QLD 4226 Australia


6:45 AM - 7:10 AM

Open Networking

Opportunity to meet with other members and guests, particularly those who may be complementary to your own business / personal needs.

7:10 AM - 8:30 AM

Networking Meeting

The actual meeting/event. Consisting of elements such as an education session on how to be a more successful networker, an introduction opportunity for your business and hearing from members as to ...

8:30 AM - 8:35 AM

Q&A / Visitor Orientation

A chance for visitors to ask questions, find out more about becoming a member or visiting again.

About this event

BNI Business Networking - Robina

Come join us for a fantastic opportunity to network with like-minded individuals at BNI Synergy. Whether you are a seasoned professional or just starting out, this event is perfect for making new connections and expanding your business reach. Don't miss out on this chance to grow your business and form valuable partnerships.

See for yourself how powerful business networking can be (and how we generate millions of dollars of shared business with each other).

BNI Synergy meets weekly (between mid-January to mid-December. excluding public holidays). Nominate a meeting date that suits you best, we look forward to welcoming you.

What to bring?

A postitive attitude and desire to grow your business through growing your business network. Business cards (x50) if you have them. Dress code, casual business.

A meeting fee of $40 applies, which includes networking and a buffet cooked breakfast and barista made coffee.

Frequently asked questions

Do I need to be in business to attend?

No, to visit - you may just want access to a whole host of service providers who are professional, trusted and experts in their field.

I loved the event, how do I become a member?

An application form is available on the BNI Synergy website: - following application and payment, the membership committee for the chapter will review your application and arrange an interview.

What is member exclusivity?

Every member of BNI is unique and the chapter only allows for 1 member representing a business specialty. The visitor host team can help identify an opportunity either within our chapter (or one of the 15 others on the Gold Coast and Tweed Shires).

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