Balance – a Question of Finding Centre

Balance – a Question of Finding Centre

By Department of Health Women's Network

Date and time

Fri, 14 Jul 2017 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM AEST


QAS Kedron Park Auditorium

Cnr Park and Kedron Park roads Kedron Brisbane, QLD 4031 Australia


The Women's Network, together with the Queensland University of Technology through the Creative Industries Faculty, is hosting 'Balancea Question of Finding Centre'.

Sponsored by Queensland Ambulance Service, this four hour workshop will focus on work-life balance, in particular addressing the pressure women in our workforce face around this topic.

The QUT team will deliver and engaging and interactive four hour workshop to up to 80 Queensland Ambulance Service and Queensland Health participants.

'Balancea Question of Finding Centre' workshop will use on storytelling as a device to guide participants to acknowledge the complexities of the lives of our female employees and to find connections with others through:

  • the stories we tell ourselves and are supposed to live
  • writing our own stories: new stories for the 21st century workplace
  • understanding the role that women can play in humanising the workforce
  • how we can go home better than when we arrived at work.

Through discussions and activities, participants will be given opportunities to reflect on the negative impacts balancing different and often competing demands can have and, using the wisdom of the group, explore how to manage and shift these negatives.

We will weave our own stories through the leadership lifelineand then unpick them to reveal what we can know about ourselves, our patterns, our self-view, our way of being in the world and what is the impact of these ways of being.

We will identify our own narrativeswhat serves us, what doesn't, and how can we consciously work towards shifting those unhelpful patterns, so that we find greater balance and harmony in our complex, myriad lives as professionals, mothers, daughters, wives, friends.

Please ensure you register to secure your place now.

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