Appreciating Security Networks: Dynamics, Forms and Tensions - ANZSOC (SA) Members' Professional Development Seminar

Appreciating Security Networks: Dynamics, Forms and Tensions - ANZSOC (SA) Members' Professional Development Seminar

By Katherine McLachlan, SA Representative, ANZSOC Committee of Management

Date and time

Wed, 11 Oct 2017 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM ACDT


UniSA Law School

226 Hindley St (entry off George St) ADELAIDE, SA 5000 Australia


As a current, past or potential South Australian member of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology (ANZSOC) you are invited to attend our free South Australian ANZSOC event.

Appreciating Security Networks: Dynamics, Forms and Tensions

Associate Professor Chad Whelan, Deakin University

Networks have continued to increase across the security field at a rate that has far exceeded research on network forms of security governance. ‘Security networks’ are those organisational forms whereby security nodes work together to achieve their own goals as well as potentially a collective goal. While existing research appreciates the need for security networks, it is yet to properly grasp their complex properties and factors shaping how they form and function. This presentation will focus on the internal dynamics of networks, their different forms and the tensions associated with some of the main types of security networks. It will suggest that to truly understand the complexities of security networks, we need to better appreciate their dynamics and different forms, and the tensions associated with each particular form. Drawing on the wider network literature and various empirical examples, the presentation will outline several tensions that security networks are likely to experience and must overcome to perform effectively.

You will also learn more about the benefits of ANZSOC membership and be able to take home some free merchandise.

Light refreshments will also be available after the event.

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