An Evening With iBuild - How To Build Your Dream Home and Save Thousands!

An Evening With iBuild - How To Build Your Dream Home and Save Thousands!

Join us for an informative live webinar to learn how to start your own owner-building journey with iBuild.

By iBuild Building Solutions



About this event

The free webinar is designed to answer all your questions about how you can start your own owner-building journey with iBuild.

You'll have the chance to ask questions, engage in discussions, and get practical tips and insights from iBuild team members.

Reserve a spot now to take the first step towards building your dream home. Don't miss out on an evening with iBuild!


Thomas Webber - iBuild Customer Liaison - Your host for the evening is not only there to ensure that all your questions are answered but will support you throughout your owner-builder journey with iBuild, helping you communicate with our passionate team to achieve your dream home.

Greg Christodoulou – CEO of Owner Builder Centre (Recorded) - A trainer with a construction law background, Greg and his team started Owner Builder Centre in 2010, helping to empower thousands of Australians to control their destiny by educating and training them how to be owner builders. Greg will teach you the five key things you need to do to become an owner builder.

iBuild Customer Support Personal - With our customer support personnel having several years of experience in the housing industry, one will be on hand to explain how iBuild has helped hundreds of people build their own dream homes.

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