Adult Art Classes in Mindfulness

Adult Art Classes in Mindfulness

Unleash your creativity while finding inner peace at our Adult Art Classes in Mindfulness - the perfect blend of relaxation and self-express

By Glass Hippo Studio

Date and time

Sun, 23 Jun 2024 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM ACST


Glass Hippo Studio

6-8 Adelaide Rd 6-8 Adelaide Rd GREENOCK, SA 5360 Australia

Refund Policy

Contact the organiser to request a refund.
Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.

About this event

Welcome to Adult Art Classes in Mindfulness! Join us at Glass Hippo Studio for a creative and relaxing experience. Unleash your artistic side while practicing mindfulness techniques to enhance your focus and creativity. Our talented instructors will guide you through various art projects designed to help you stay present and in the moment. No prior art experience is necessary - just bring an open mind and a willingness to explore your creativity. Come and enjoy a fun and therapeutic way to unwind and express yourself through art!

Organised by

"Babes with Brushes"

Women coming together to sip a cup of herbal tea with a brush in hand. These classes have an uber chilled vibe. Will leave you feeling restored and rested. You will leave with more than just something pretty for your wall. Learn something about yourself, meet with other chilled chicks and take care of you!

"Art - Classes in Mindfulness"

These classes are for Teens. In this modern day life young people face overwhelming obstacles. These classes are designed to teach healthy mindfulness techniques that wont make them want to poke their eyes out. The mindfulness is an active form of meditation, but don't tell them that! They wont even notice, its simply a fun art class. That makes them feel great.
