A Dreadful Expedition

A Dreadful Expedition

By Lucas Venn

Date and time

Sat, 24 Feb 2018 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM AEDT


#EttinCon Area 2, Table Z

Blackheath Community Centre Cnr Great Western Highway & Gardiner Crescent Blackheath, NSW 2785 Australia


Please Note: RPG sessions, like general play at #EttinCon, are free to attend with the purchase of any general admission ticket via EttinCon.org or the door. Register here to reserve your seat at their table.

Game System: Dread by Epidiah Ravachol
Timeslot: 7:00pm - 10:00pm
Location: #EttinCon Area 2, Table Z
Players: 1 - 6
Beginner-Friendly? Yes, All Welcome

Game Description:

A terrible miasma of disease has taken the steam-powered city of Mortello captive, isolated in the sky and with no cure in sight it seems it's only hope is finding one far from its walls. This task isn't to be taken lightly, as navigating the obscured misty skies around the city is fraught with risks. How much are you willing to give up, in order to save your city- and those within it

This is an Steampunk inspired game, based off a short Australian film. I thought it would work quite well with this system, and it's easy to pick up and play, no matter what experience you have with RPGs.

"Dread is a game of horror and hope. Those who play will participate in a mutual telling of an original macabre tale. The goal of Dread is to sustain the delicate atmosphere that invokes the hand quivering emotion that lends its name to the game. The thrill of a Dread game lies within the tension between desire and loss. You will take on the role of someone trapped in a story that is only as compelling as it is hostile—someone who will find themselves making decisions we hope never to face in real life.

It is the horror roleplaying game that uses Jenga® instead of dice. Pull from the tower and you succeed. Refuse to pull and you fail. The choice is yours. But if the tower falls . . ."


1. Content

This game CAN have some dark themes depending on where people go with it, so I wouldn't recommend this to young children.

2. What can/can't I bring to the event?

Bring a creative, playful and considerate attitude. Pencil & paper are welcome but not required.

4. Where can I contact the organiser with any questions?


Please Note: RPG sessions, like general play at #EttinCon, are free to attend with the purchase of any general admission ticket via EttinCon.org or the door. Register here to reserve your seat at their table.

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