Wear it Purple 2022 - Human Library (Waurn Ponds)

Wear it Purple 2022 - Human Library (Waurn Ponds)

Join Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and the Deakin University Library, for The Human Library. Browse the collection of books below.

By Deakin University, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Date and time

Thu, 25 Aug 2022 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM AEST


Deakin Library Waurn Ponds

75 Pigdons Road Waurn Ponds, VIC 3216 Australia

About this event

Assumed Identity

Cayla Edwards (She/Her)

As a straight-passing woman, what happens when I contradict the assumptions others make about my identity?

I am interested in exploring how we perceive each other and ourselves, and the role that labels have in making us feel comfortable and constrained.

What assumptions do we make about the identities and experiences of ourselves and others? How do these assumptions shape and challenge our world view, our relationships, and our place in the world?

Masc and Happy

Heidi Fin (She/Her)

I’m a masc lesbian, which basically means some people either presume I’m a man or have to look twice! I shop exclusively in the men’s department and have what some hairdressers have called a ‘men’s cut’.

While my appearance sometimes leads people to believe they know everything about me (she must like sports and wear flannel!), I like to surprise! I’m very uncoordinated and prefer carrying a camera over a basketball. I’m creative, enjoy reading, exploring the outdoors and most importantly, dogs.

(And sometimes I wear flannel, too.)

Gratefully Gay

Jimmy Buck (He/Him)

I like gratitude – being thankful, readily acknowledging generosity and showing appreciation. I’m not always demonstrably grateful, but I know gratitude is good. It makes sense – the word gratitude comes from the Latin gratus, meaning ‘pleasing, thankful.’ It feels good to give thanks.

I’m grateful to the people who came before me – fighting, protesting, writing, singing, paving the way for me to live openly even if they couldn’t. I’m grateful to the people who are around me every day – allies, family, friends, and foes (they give me perspective). I’m grateful to the people who will come after me – hopefully, I can do something to make things better for them.

Before I came out, I was afraid, embarrassed, and confused about being gay. It didn’t feel good. I didn’t like that part of me. I don’t feel like that anymore. I’m happily, openly, loudly, proudly, and gratefully gay. Thank you.

Organised by

Deakin University is strongly committed to the principles of social justice and fairness in education and employment.

The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion unit manages a range of programs designed to nurture a university culture that supports diversity and improves opportunities for people from all backgrounds to access education and achieve their full potential.


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