If you’re one of the millions of people who use WordPress for your website or blog, we have some fantastic news to share! WordPress has introduced all new ways for you to integrate your Eventbrite events, whether you’re on WordPress.com or running your own self-hosted WordPress site. These new features and functionality will open up the possibilities for how you promote your events.

Promote and sell tickets from any WordPress.com theme

One of the great things about WordPress.com is their wide selection of easy-to-use themes for your site. They have hundreds of beautifully designed themes to choose from, giving your site the look and feel you want. Previously, though, there were only a couple of themes that could be connected with Eventbrite, limiting what you were capable of doing with events on your site. That has all changed now!

WordPress.com has just launched a new feature that lets you connect to Eventbrite using any theme you want. It’s just as easy to connect your site to Eventbrite as it is to Facebook or Twitter by using Publicize. Just go to your Sharing page, and connect to Eventbrite, listed under “Other Connections”.

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Once connected, your Eventbrite events will be pulled into your site. You can specify a page of your choosing to display the events, including all the important information: title, location, date, time, links to a more detailed view, and the ticket/registration information. Anyone can then register for the event by selecting how many tickets to order, entering promotional codes, and starting the ordering process, which will be completed on Eventbrite. If you’d like to filter which events are on the page by venue or organiser, you can do so just like categories and tags on the page. All this integration will be seamless and fully integrated into the design of your site.

Check out WordPress.com’s super helpful Eventbrite support page for all the details on setting up the page with your events.


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Display an event list or calendar on any WordPress.com page

WordPress.com has also improved the Eventbrite widget for greater performance. The Eventbrite widget lets you display events in a list or calendar view on any page on your site. People can then select which event they are interested in and they will be taken directly to the event page on Eventbrite. The widget is great for adding a callout to your events in the sidebar or footer of related pages on your site to make sure you maximise the exposure of your events.

Add Eventbrite events to WordPress.org sites too!

There has also been new Eventbrite functionality added for WordPress.org sites. You can now choose from two WordPress.org themes specifically created for Eventbrite: the Eventbrite Venue theme to promote multiple events in a calendar view or the Eventbrite Event theme to promote a single event. There are two new plugins now available for Eventbrite too. Find out more information in their Plugin Directory here and here.


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Check out the WordPress.com and WordPress.org pages on Eventbrite Spectrum for much more information and links to getting started.