Alchemy of Breath

 is the founder of . He is also the founder of the Ark in Bali Indonesia, a retreat centre dedicated to community health and emerging consciousness. With 11 years of personal daily breathing practice, Anthony has explored many different styles of the breath, including Rebirthing,  LeBoyer, Holotropic, Transformational, Sufi Breathing, and Pranayama. Now he brings his life experience of Motivational Speaking, Shamanic studies, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Bodytalk Therapy, Conscious Loving Coaching (Hendricks Institute), Sound Healing and Medicine and Aromatherapy to his Breathwork Practice.

As a result of his own healing journey, including the survival and transformation from a near-death experience, Anthony holds tender space for the depth of journey some need to make as part of their healing path, transforming what has troubled them in the past into the joy and ecstasy that a Breathwork practice provides.

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Seeds of Alchemy - Healing Conscious Breathwork 1 Day Course primary image

Seeds of Alchemy - Healing Conscious Breathwork 1 Day Course

Sun, Nov 20, 10:00 AM

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Seeds of Alchemy - Healing Conscious Breathwork 1 Day Course primary image

Seeds of Alchemy - Healing Conscious Breathwork 1 Day Course

Sun, Nov 20, 10:00 AM

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 is the founder of . He is also the founder of the Ark in Bali Indonesia, a retreat centre dedicated to community health and emerging consciousness. With 11 years of personal daily breathing practice, Anthony has explored many different styles of the breath, including Rebirthing,  LeBoyer, Holotropic, Transformational, Sufi Breathing, and Pranayama. Now he brings his life experience of Motivational Speaking, Shamanic studies, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Bodytalk Therapy, Conscious Loving Coaching (Hendricks Institute), Sound Healing and Medicine and Aromatherapy to his Breathwork Practice.

As a result of his own healing journey, including the survival and transformation from a near-death experience, Anthony holds tender space for the depth of journey some need to make as part of their healing path, transforming what has troubled them in the past into the joy and ecstasy that a Breathwork practice provides.


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Seeds of Alchemy - Healing Conscious Breathwork 1 Day Course primary image

Seeds of Alchemy - Healing Conscious Breathwork 1 Day Course

Sun, Nov 20, 10:00 AM

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Seeds of Alchemy - Healing Conscious Breathwork 1 Day Course primary image

Seeds of Alchemy - Healing Conscious Breathwork 1 Day Course

Sun, Nov 20, 10:00 AM

Check ticket price on event