Two Sessions Combined - Ages 12 - 17 - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover Education Program

Two Sessions Combined - Ages 12 - 17 - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover Education Program

By Vidette Wood (0433 113 900)

Date and time

Tue, 23 Jun 2015 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM AWST


Joondalup Public Library

102 Boas Ave Joondalup, WA 6027 Australia


This program is presented by professional educators and takes place over two 60 minute sessions in the classroom. The second session takes place a week after the first and is a follow-up session to consolidate learning. The classes are tailored to meet the needs of different year groups.

Students will explore the process of recycling through hands on activities that link to Geography and Science content descriptors and the Sustainability Cross Curriculum priority in the Australian Curriculum.

Key components covered include:

  • The importance of waste minimisation.
  • Changes in the use of landfill over time due to changes in science and understanding.
  • What it means to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle , Recover.
  • What happens to recyclables once collected.
  • The importance of protecting the environment through changes in our everyday activities.

The activities that the children undertake will vary according to their ages, but basically they will undertake games/activities to reinforce the messages that the presenter is giving. There is usually also a video presentation of a recycling plant. They will be asked to go home and put their learning into practice. There will be a survey for the family to complete to indicate if the family has changed their recycling practices due to the children’s new knowledge. The second session consolidates their learning.

Parents may stay. It is not the presenters role to discipline the children nor be responsible for them. In a classroom setting this would be the teacher’s role. We have booked a large meeting room, so space should not be too much of an issue.

Organised by

All families in Western Australia who are home educating their children are welcome to join us at all our events, you do not have to be a member of Homeschool WA - however, on the odd occasion where places are limited, families that are registered to Homeschool WA will be given preference.

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