Registrations only: Making Culture Happen Tour: Fundraising with the Australian Cultural Fund - Canberra

Registrations only: Making Culture Happen Tour: Fundraising with the Australian Cultural Fund - Canberra

By Australian Cultural Fund

Date and time

Fri, 11 Sep 2015 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM AEST


Registration only



If you want the Making Culture Happen Tour to come to Canberra, let us know!

Our ACF guru Esther Gyorki recently visited our nation’s capital as part of the Stepping It Up Triennale, but that doesn't mean we can’t return.

If you’re in or near Canberra and want to find out more about how the Australian Cultural Fund can help you raise funds for your artistic practice, register your interest by completing your registration details below. If there’s enough demand we’ll schedule an event - there's nothing surer.

The ACF has helped hundreds of Australian artists raise over $15 million in support for their projects, allowing them to share their stories, passion and creativity around Australia and the world. And the movement is growing! Since the ACF moved online in February 2015, there's been a 500% increase in the number of donations against the same period last year.

If you’re thinking of becoming an ACF artist or have any questions, drop a line to; browse the site and discover some of the great projects currently campaigning, or register your own project. Be a part of the movement. Join us! #makingculturehappen

Organised by

The Australian Cultural Fund is a fundraising platform for Australian artists and arts organisations that facilitates tax deductible donations to the arts. Arts lovers and supporters have donated more than $23 million to 2500 Australian artists since the ACF was established in 2003. The Australian Cultural Fund is managed by Creative Partnerships Australia. 

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