Virtual Reality -The Apollo 11 Experience

Virtual Reality -The Apollo 11 Experience

Celebrating History Month, pop in and immerse yourself in the Apollo 11 Virtual Reality Experience.

By Adelaide Hills Council


Torrens Valley Community Centre

45 Albert Street GUMERACHA, SA 5233 Australia

About this event

  • 25 minutes

Incorporating some unreal opportunities to hop into The Apollo 11 experience.
This activity is suitable for anyone aged strictly 8 and above, some exclusions apply. Glasses/eyewear can’t be worn with the headset, we recommend contact lenses if you use them.

25 minute sessions per person, this experience is best enjoyed seated.

Ages Strictly 8+

Children under 16 must have a parent, guardian or carer consent and provide supervision to use the equipment during and after use.

**Please note this activity comes with certain risks.
Content viewed can be intense, immersive and appear very life like and may cause your brain and body to react accordingly. Certain types of content could trigger increased heart rate, spikes in blood pressure, panic attacks, anxiety, PTSD, fainting and other adverse effects. If you have a history of negative physical or psychological reactions to certain real life circumstances, avoid using the product to view similar content.

It is important to remember that simulated objects, such as furniture, that may be encountered while using the product do not exist in the real world, and injuries may result when interacting with those simulated objects as if they were real, for example, by attempting to sit down on a virtual chair.Products that produce visual effects may trigger epileptic seizures, seizures, fainting or severe dizziness even in people who have no history of these conditions.

There are a variety of virtual reality experiences available. Parental input into the type of experience children are being exposed to is preferred, to ensure experiences are in line with personal values.

Organized by

The Adelaide Hills Council area is a magnificent place to live, work and visit. The environmental, aesthetic, residential, primary production and natural qualities of the district are renowned for their excellence, and contribute to the Adelaide Hills earning the signature of being "a special place" and one of Australia's most loved areas.

From the leafy suburbs of Rostrevor to the lush vineyards of Lenswood, from the stark beauty of Humbug Scrub in the north to the majestic Mt Bold, the Adelaide Hills Council area has the assets and attractions that will stimulate your many and varied desires - and it is less than 30 minutes by car from the Adelaide CBD.
