Yoga Calm by Jessica Zabow

Yoga Calm by Jessica Zabow

Yoga calm is the ultimate refresh for your body, mind and soul.Find infinite stillness in the quietude of the ancient roots of this practice

By 171 Clarence Community Team

Date and time

Tuesday, October 19, 2021 · 2 - 2:45pm AEDT


Community Activity Area

Level 8 171 Clarence Street Sydney, NSW 2000 Australia

About this event

With the soothing composition of long held poses and a focus on pure presence, Yoga Calm classes keep you close to the ground. You will experience a deep stretch of the muscles and beyond into joints and connective tissue.

Organized by

We strive to support the SME community. Through collaborations with different partners, the building community team organise different social events to support our people with work, life balance and improve their wellbeing.
