Teacher Industry Currency - Usher

Teacher Industry Currency - Usher

Great opportunity to stay current with the industry "Teacher Industry Currency - Usher" event!

By Gateway Schools to food,wine and tourism industry


Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre

Glenelg Street South Brisbane, QLD 4101 Australia

About this event

Step into a realm of endless possibilities at the Convention Centre, where each day offers a new teachers the chance to lead and inspire. It's more than an event; it's an opportunity for educators to gain invaluable currency experience, enriching their teaching journey. Embrace this unique chance to grow professionally and personally. Spaces are limited, so dont delay in signing up, for a series of unforgettable days filled with learning, growth, and connection!

You will be a asked to fufill the role as usher for different exciting events to be held at the Brisbane International Convention Centre!

  • Thursday 9 May 18.00
  • Sunday 12 May 18.00
  • Friday 17 May 18.00
  • Friday 21 June 17.30
  • Saturday 22 June 17.30
  • Friday 5 June 18.00
  • Friday 19 July 10.30 - Creative Generation
  • Friday 19 July 17.30 - Creative Generation
  • Saturday 20 July 11.30 - Creative Generation

Organized by

The Food, Wine and Tourism Gateway to Industry Schools project aims to help young people make a successful transition from school into further education and or employment in the commercial cookery, wine, hospitality and tourism industries. By blending school, vocational and academic curricula targeted to industry needs, students are learning about these industries and the career opportunities available.

The schools involved, currently identify high school teacher professional development and industry currency as the priority to deliver the aims of the Gateway to Industry Schools project.

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