Sound Healing - Group Sound Bath

Sound Healing - Group Sound Bath

Join us every Tuesday night in Windsor for a transformative group Sound Bath event. Unwind, heal, and connect through the power of sound.

By Ange Monitto


19A Chapel St

19A Chapel Street Windsor, VIC 3181 Australia

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About this event

Step into a realm of tranquility and renewal with our Group Sound Bath experience each Tuesday night — a transformative journey through the frequencies of sound. During a Sound Bath, you'll relax and meditate as you absorb the healing vibrations of drums, gongs, crystal singing bowls, and more. This immersive experience allows the sound waves to penetrate every cell in your body, creating profound shifts that touch your mind, body, and spirit.


Doors open at 6:40pm and we begin promptly at 7:00pm. Please arrive early in order to set up your space and settle in. Latecomers will NOT be admitted after 7:00pm, as we cannot accommodate late arrivals once the event has started.

What to Expect

Begin with intention setting and a guided meditation to ease into the experience. Then, simply breathe and relax as the healing vibrations work their magic, releasing stress, tension, and negative energy. The session concludes with a closing circle, allowing you to share your experience and insights with others.

What is a Sound Bath?

Experience a Sound Bath—an immersive journey into resonant vibrations and harmonies produced by an array of sound instruments. Enveloped in gentle tones from gongs, crystal singing bowls, and drums, participants enter a state of deep relaxation, meditation, and inner rejuvenation, allowing the body to release tension.

During the session, healing vibrations permeate the physical, mental, and energetic bodies, along with the depths of consciousness. Each session begins with an intention-setting ritual followed by a brief guided meditation. As you recline and relax, symphonic, harmonic, and binaural sound waves create a soothing atmosphere. The session gently concludes, leaving time for reflection and grounding, bringing you back to the present moment.

The sound guides you into the theta brainwave state—a mental space akin to light sleep, where you're simultaneously present and transported elsewhere. It's an ideal environment for meditation, inspiration, and creative exploration.

Participants may encounter various experiences—vivid colors, reconnected memories, dreamlike sequences, past-life regressions, or profound inner journeys. Some may feel subtle sensations as energy flows through their body. The essence of this experience lies in observing and acknowledging whatever arises, allowing thoughts, emotions, and sensations to flow freely, fostering new insights and awareness.

Benefits of a Sound Bath

  • Total relaxation of body and mind
  • Release of physical tension and energy stagnation
  • Boosted immune system
  • Reduction in perceived pain levels
  • Calming of the nervous system
  • Relief from stress, anxiety, and depression
  • Facilitation of trauma and grief release
  • Regulation of heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure
  • Induction of deep states of relaxation

About Ange

My journey into sound healing began after suffering from an unknown Chronic illness that left me feeling as though my body was shutting down. Despite numerous doctor visits the cause of my condition remained a mystery, plunging me into a deep depression. Confined to my home, unable to stand for long periods and in constant pain, I found solace in holistic healing practices, particularly Sound Healing. My first session was transformative, lifting the burden of pain and mental fog. This sparked an insatiable curiosity, leading me to study sound therapy and witness its profound impact on both body and mind.

Today, I stand before you as a practitioner and testament to the transformative power of sound therapy. Offering group and personalized sessions tailored to relieve pain, eliminate energy blockages, and enhance the immune system, I invite you to join me on this journey of healing through sound. Whether seeking tranquility, inner healing, or intrigued by its power, together, let's discover the healing potential of sound and embark on a path toward wellness and inner peace. | Insta @that.boy.ange @sound_of_soma

Client Reviews

"Highly recommend I did the group session and it was so good that I needed to try a personal session and immediately I feel more relieve, I have been dealing with a severe stress for long time and getting sick frequently… every day after the session I have been feeling better with myself"
~ Daniella

"Ange’s sound bath sessions has been a real game changer for me.. I have only attended two sessions so far and feel a lot more calmer and energetic already .Over all a great experience and look forward to attend more sessions in future."

~ Reethu

"My healing with Ange was so beautiful, I can’t even describe the shifts I felt as soon as we began Ange is so amazing and I know this is his absolute calling. I left feeling like I could float and I slept so soundly that night then woke the next morning feeling so aligned and energised. Thankyou Ange ❤️ I can’t wait for more magic ✨"

~ Catherine

Frequently asked questions

Do I need to bring anything?

Yoga mats and pillows will be provided, but you may bring your own if you prefer. Wear comfortable clothes. You're welcome to bring your crystals to be cleared, and an eye mask.

Organized by

Ange, the founder of Sound of Soma in Melbourne, specializes in Sound Healing & Vibration Therapy, utilizing gongs, crystal bowls, Tibetan bowls, and other instruments to produce resonant sounds that harmonize with your body. His journey into Sound Healing began after a debilitating chronic illness struck, causing extreme body pain, persistent brain fog, profound confusion, and debilitating anxiety. This reality left him confined to his home, unable to stand for long periods, and far from the healthy, vibrant 30-year-old he once was. Despite numerous doctor visits, the cause of his condition remained a mystery, plunging him into a deep depression.

Confronting this profound depression and the lack of answers from Western medicine, Ange turned to holistic practices, particularly Sound Healing, which brought him profound relief. Inspired by his own healing journey, Ange delved deeper into the healing powers of sound. Today, he offers group and personalized sessions tailored to relieve pain, enhance the immune system, and promote deep relaxation. Join him on a transformative journey toward wellness and inner peace through the power of sound.