Parent-Child Art Workshop: Deepen Your Connection Through Creativity

Parent-Child Art Workshop: Deepen Your Connection Through Creativity

Unplug from distractions & deepen your bond with your child through art.Workshop offers quality time & guided reflection with a Parent Coach

By Marwa Hijazi

Select date and time

Saturday, June 29 · 10am - 12pm AEST


Metro Arts

97 Boundary Street West End, QLD 4101 Australia

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event
Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.


10:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Phase One Painting: Warming up into Painting

10:30 AM - 10:50 AM

Phase Two Painting: The Split Painting

10:50 AM - 11:05 AM


11:05 AM - 11:30 AM

Phase Three Painting: Let's Shuffle

11:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Phase Four Painting: Brushing the Learning into our Canvas

About this event

Parent-Child Art Workshop: Deepen Your Connection Through Creativity

Are you seeking to strengthen your bond with your child? Do you feel like quality time has lost its depth lately? With the chaos, overload of information and excess technology, we invite you to slow things down and connect with your child without distraction and judgement where you both immerse yourself into creativity.

Join us for a unique workshop designed to deepen your connection with your child through the power of art. In this workshop, you will be guided into a harmonious state as you go through different phases of painting with your child. Alongside painting, you will have opportunities with Marwa, our Parent Coach, to pause and reflect.

Before we read more, are of any of these questions coming up for you?

  • When was the last time my partner or I had uninterrupted quality time with our child separately?
  • How can I integrate quality time where I enjoy it?
  • How do I get my children to Share?
  • How do I look after myself while I look after them?
  • How do I create trust and communication into adulthood?
  • Why is my child having new Tantrums lately?
  • How do I create clear safe boundaries?
  • Why is my child asking for excess attention lately?
  • Sometimes, I just. need. SPACE, how can I achieve this?

About the Workshop

This workshop is designed for parents and their children aged between 4 and 9 years old. The focus is on one-on-one interaction, allowing parents and children to connect deeply. You’ll leave with a shared canvas that symbolizes your family’s creative journey.

Event Details

  • Date: Saturday, June 29th
  • Time: 10:00 AM
  • Location: Metro Arts West End
  • Group Limit: 8 adults and 8 children
  • Children’s Age group: Between ages 4 and 9.

Please bring a shirt that you don’t mind getting dirty and come ready to unleash your creativity!


  • $67 for one adult and one child
  • $119 for two adults and one child

Your Guide

  • Marwa: As a Certified Parent Coach, Marwa empowers parents to create individual changes suited to each unique environment and person. She focuses on the person as a whole, including their self-care.

Marwa also delivers research and tutors courses at Griffith University specialising in Early Childhood Education.


  • Your Family Connection Canvas to take home
  • Insights about yourself and your child
  • A Parent Coaching Strength-Based Kit
  • New skills and learnings
  • A little Art Kit to take home


  • Strengthened Bond: This workshop provides a unique opportunity to deepen your connection with your child through the power of art.
  • Improved Communication: Engaging in a shared activity can open up new channels of communication between you and your child.
  • Increased Self-Awareness: Through the process of creating art, you may discover new aspects about yourself and your child.
  • Stress Relief: Art is a great way to relieve stress and express emotions in a safe and supportive environment.
  • Enhanced Creativity: This workshop will help you and your child explore your creative sides in a fun and supportive setting.
  • Emotional Resilience: By expressing yourself through art, you and your child can learn to better understand and manage your emotions.
  • Setting Safe Boundaries: This workshop will guide you on how to establish and maintain safe boundaries with your child, promoting a sense of security and respect.
  • Explore being a Role Model: The workshop provides an opportunity for you to explore and understand your role as a model for your child’s behaviour and values. It encourages self-reflection and promotes conscious parenting.

Frequently asked questions

What can I expect from this workshop?

This workshop is a unique opportunity to deepen your connection with your child through the power of art. You’ll be guided by experienced professionals and leave with a shared canvas and a kit to continue the bonding at home in your own time and space.

What should I bring to the workshop?

Please bring a shirt that you don’t mind getting dirty, a snack for break time, and come ready to unleash your creativity!

Do I need to have any prior art experience?

No, this is a space to have fun using paint where you do not need to have an art background.

What will we take away from this workshop?

You will take away new skills, a sense of liberation, insights about yourself and your child, a Parent Coaching Strength-Based Kit, your shared canvas, and a small kit to continue the art at home.

Can I bring more than One Child?

This workshop is designed for one-on-one quality time between a parent and a child. If you wish to bring two children, two adults need to be present. Please choose the child you are most wanting to connect with for this workshop. We also have two upcoming events, if you want to book.

Organized by

A$67 – A$119